Recent & Upcoming Talks


Factorial cumulants as a probe of fireball properties in heavy-ion collisions

We analyze joint factorial cumulants of protons and antiprotons in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. In the context of the critical point search, these provide advantages over the traditional cumulants, with interesting hints coming …


Probing the QCD phase structure with heavy-ion collisions

Fluctuations and correlations in heavy-ion collisions as a probe of the QCD phase structure

The phase structure of QCD and the nature of the transition between ordinary hadronic matter and the deconfined state of quark-gluon plasma remain among the key open questions in high-energy physics. This talk will explore how these …

High-Order Moments and EoS Theory Overview


Cooper-Frye sampling with short-range repulsion

We incorporate the effect of short-range repulsion among hadrons into the Cooper-Frye sampling procedure through a rejection sampling step that prohibits any pair of particles from overlapping in the coordinate space, effectively …

QCD at finite temperature and density - Criticality

Thermal-FIST package

Proton number cumulants in heavy-ion collisions and the search for the QCD critical point

The phase structure of QCD and the nature of the transition between ordinary hadronic matter and the deconfined state of quark-gluon plasma remain among the key open questions in high-energy physics. This talk will explore how these …

Quarkyonic or baryquark matter? On the dynamical generation of momentum space shell structure

Proton number cumulants and correlation functions at RHIC-BES from hydrodynamics

I will present the behavior of proton number cumulants and correlation functions in heavy-ion collisions based on relativistic hydrodynamics, incorporating essential non-critical contributions such as the exact conservation of multiple …

Quarkyonic or Baryquark matter?


Baryon annihilation and multiplicity dependence of p/$\pi$ and light nuclei ratios

The centrality dependence of the 𝑝/𝜋 ratio measured by the ALICE Collaboration in 5.02 TeV Pb-Pb collisions indicates a statistically significant suppression with the increase of the charged multiplicity, once the centrality-correlated …

Probing the QCD phase structure with proton number fluctuations in heavy-ion collisions

QCD phase structure from fluctuations in heavy-ion collisions

One of the key open questions is the phase structure of QCD and the nature of the transition between ordinary hadronic matter and the deconfined state of quark-gluon plasma taking place at extreme temperatures in excess of trillions of …

Hadronic resonance production in a partial chemical equilibrium model

I will discuss an extended thermal model description of hadronic resonance production in (mid-)central collisions of heavy ions utilizing the partial chemical equilibrium framework. In particular, it is shown how the yields of …

Proton number cumulants and correlation functions from hydrodynamics and the QCD phase diagram

We present a dynamical description of (anti)proton number cumulants and correlation functions in heavy-ion collisions by utilizing hydrodynamics simulations [1]. The cumulants are calculated via an appropriately extended Cooper-Frye …

QCD Phase Structure at Finite Baryon Density

QCD phase structure at finite baryon density from heavy-ion collisions

Unveiling the Properties of Strongly Interacting Matter under Extreme Conditions

Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is the fundamental theory describing strong nuclear force. Despite its precise mathematical definition, much remains unknown regarding the properties of strongly interacting QCD matter in the …


QCD phase structure from fluctuations in heavy-ion collisions: Connecting theory to experiment

Proton Cumulants, Correlation Functions and Hydrodynamics

Fluctuation Measurements and Global Conservation Laws in the BES Program

Net-particle number fluctuations in a hydrodynamic description of heavy-ion collisions

We generalize the Cooper-Frye particlization routine to make it suitable for describing event-by-event fluctuations in heavy-ion collisions. This is achieved via a newly developed subensemble method, allowing to incorporate the effects …

Phenomenological developments for event-by-event fluctuations of conserved charges

Pion Condensation in the Early Universe at Nonvanishing Lepton Flavor Asymmetry


Probing the QCD equation of state with fluctuations of conserved charges

Fluctuations of conserved charges carry rich information about the fine details of the QCD equation of state. Recent lattice QCD data on high order baryon number susceptibilities are used here to constrain the excluded volume …

Pion condensation in the early Universe at nonvanishing lepton flavor asymmetry

A possibility of formation of a Bose-Einstein condensed phase of pions in the early Universe at nonvanishing values of lepton flavor asymmetries is investigated. The evolution of cosmic trajectories during the QCD epoch is evaluated at …

Pion condensation in the early Universe at nonvanishing lepton flavor asymmetry

A possibility of formation of a Bose-Einstein condensed phase of pions in the early Universe at nonvanishing values of lepton flavor asymmetries is investigated. The evolution of cosmic trajectories during the QCD epoch is evaluated at …

Recent results on light nuclei production in extended thermal model descriptions

I will present recent results on light nuclei production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions within two extensions of the thermal model approach. First, a canonical formulation of the statistical model will be exploited to analyze the …

Nuclear clusters in an off-equilibrium thermal model

The production of light (anti-)(hyper-)nuclei during the hadronic phase of heavy-ion collisions at the LHC is discussed in the framework of an extended thermal model approach — the Saha equation —making use of an analogy between the …

Nucleosynthesis and resonance production via the Saha equation


(Anti-)Nucleosynthesis in the Little and the Big Bang

Blackboard talk, in collaboration with Francesca Bellini

Statistical-thermal FIST package

Nucleosynthesis in heavy-ion collisions at the LHC via the Saha equation

Equation of state of QCD matter within the Hagedorn bag-like model

The QCD equation of state at zero and finite baryon densities is considered in the framework of a Hagedorn bag-like model with a crossover transition from hadronic matter to quark-gluon plasma. The model, augmented with non-zero masses …

Towards the QCD equation of state at finite density


Thermal model fits: an overview

QCD equation of state at finite baryon density with Cluster Expansion Model

QCD equation of state at finite baryon density is studied in the framework of a Cluster Expansion Model (CEM), which is based on a fugacity expansion of the net baryon density. CEM uses the leading two Fourier coefficients from lattice …

Lattice-based QCD equation of state at finite baryon density: Cluster Expansion Model

Lattice QCD methods allow to calculate the thermodynamic observables at finite temperature and imaginary chemical potential. The Wuppertal-Budapest collaboration data [1,2] for the temperature dependence of the leading four Fourier …

Exploring the QCD Phase Diagram with Fluctuation Observables

Quantum statistical van der Waals equation and its QCD applications

Quantum van der Waals equation and its applications


Lattice QCD based equation of state at non-zero baryon density

Cluster expansion model for QCD baryon number fluctuations

Baryonic excluded volume and its role in QCD equation of state at imaginary chemical potential

van der Waals Interactions in Hadron Resonance Gas: From Nuclear Matter to Lattice QCD

We construct an extension of the ideal hadron resonance gas (HRG) model which includes attractive and repulsive van der Waals (VDW) interactions between hadrons, and analyze different observables with this model [1]. The VDW parameters …

van der Waals Interactions and Hadron Resonance Gas: From Nuclear Matter to Lattice QCD

Extension of the ideal hadron resonance gas (HRG) model is constructed which includes attractive and repulsive van der Waals (VDW) interactions between hadrons [1]. The model employs a novel multi-component quantum statistical VDW …

van der Waals Interactions in Hadron Resonance Gas: From Nuclear Matter to Lattice QCD


Analysis of hadron yield data within HRG model with multi-component eigenvolume corrections

The hadron-resonance gas (HRG) model with the hadron type dependent eigenvolume (EV) corrections is employed to fit the hadron yield data of the ALICE and the NA49 collaborations. The influence of the EV corrections is studied within …

Critical fluctuations in models with van der Waals interactions

Particle number fluctuations are considered within the full van der Waals (VDW) equation, which contains both attractive (mean-field) and repulsive (eigenvolume) interactions. Two steps to extend the VDW equation and make it …

Electromagnetic probes of a pure-glue initial state in nucleus-nucleus collisions at LHC

Sensitivity of thermal fits to heavy-ion yield data to the modeling of eigenvolume interactions

Van der Waals equation on a nuclear scale


Van der Waals equation: event-by-event fluctuations, quantum statistics and nuclear matter