
Volodymyr Vovchenko

Theoretical Physicist

Physics Department, University of Houston

About me

Welcome to my homepage!

I am an Assistant Professor of Physics at the University of Houston. Since 2022 I am leading a Nuclear Theory Group at UH. My group’s research primarily focuses on the properties of strongly interacting QCD matter under extreme conditions such as those realized in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions and neutron stars.

Previously, I had obtained my Master degree in Physics at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in Ukraine, a PhD degree at Goethe University Frankfurt in Germany, and then held appointments as a Research Assistant at the Institute for Theoretical Physics of the Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany, a Feodor Lynen Research Fellow in the Nuclear Science Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and a Research Assistant Professor at the Institute for Nuclear Theory at the University of Washington.

Here you can find information about my research, publications, talks, and projects, as well as my group members.


  • QCD Theory and Phenomenology
  • Heavy-Ion Collisions
  • Neutron Stars
  • Scientific Computing


  • PhD in Theoretical Physics, 2018

    Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany

  • MSc in Physics, 2013

    Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine

  • BSc in Physics, 2011

    Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine

Meet the Team

The Nuclear Theory Group at University of Houston

Group Photo
Nuclear Theory Group at CPOD2024

Principal Investigator


Volodymyr Vovchenko

Group Leader

QCD Theory and Phenomenology, Heavy-Ion Collisions, Neutron Stars, Scientific Computing

Postdoctoral Researchers


Grégoire Pihan

Postdoctoral Researcher

Hot and Dense QCD Matter, Neutron skin, Fluctuations


Roman Poberezhniuk

Postdoctoral Researcher

Heavy-Ion Collisions, Dense QCD Matter, Fluctuations

Graduate Students


Tripp Moss

PhD Student

Dense QCD Matter, Neutron Stars


Volodymyr Kuznietsov

PhD Student

Hot and Dense QCD Matter, Molecular Dynamics, Critical Point

Undergraduate Students


Jonathan Parra

Undergraduate Researcher

Fluctuations in Heavy-Ion Collisions

Recent & Upcoming Talks

The antiproton puzzle, QCD critical point, and fireball properties in heavy-ion collisions

We analyze the behavior of ordinary and factorial cumulants of proton number in heavy-ion collisions in the context of new RHIC-BES-II data, their implications for the QCD critical point search, as well as the behavior of scaled …

High density QCD/Phase diagram

Lecture on high-density QCD and the QCD phase diagram for early career researchers, covering recent theoretical and experimental developments in the search for the QCD critical point and the exploration of the high-baryon density …

Factorial cumulants as a probe of fireball properties in heavy-ion collisions

We analyze joint factorial cumulants of protons and antiprotons in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. In the context of the critical point search, these provide advantages over the traditional cumulants, with interesting hints coming …

Fluctuation Probes of QCD Matter in Heavy-Ion Collisions

Talk at the Hadron Ion Tea (HIT) Seminar Series at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory


Courses taught

This is the list of courses that I taught as well useful links.

Spring 2025: Computational Physics (PHYS6350)

Physics Department at the University of Houston
Class size: 13 students
Lecture notes and code

Fall 2024: College Physics II (PHYS1302)

Physics Department at the University of Houston
Class size: 90 students
OpenStax College Physics Textbook

Spring 2023: Computational Physics (PHYS6350)

Physics Department at the University of Houston
Class size: 15 students
Lecture notes and code

Coding projects

Here you can find my coding projects, which include code for high energy physics applications and also several Android apps that model and visualize different physical systems with OpenGL on an Android device.


INSPIRE Citation History

A tool to visualize and compare citation histories of scientific papers from INSPIRE-HEP database

Try it online!
Source code

CUDA Molecular Dynamics

Molecular dynamics simulation and visualization of the Lennard-Jones system utilizing CUDA-enabled GPU’s

Source code


A C++ package designed for the convenient general-purpose analysis within a family of hadron resonance gas (HRG) models.

Reference: Comput. Phys. Commun. 244, 295 (2019)

Source code
Online documentation

Quantum Oscillator

Get it on Google Play An Android app to visualize the wave functions of the three-dimensional harmonic oscillator.

10,000+ installs / 4.6 rating

Source code

Hydrogen Atom

Get it on Google Play An Android app to visualize the electron orbitals of the hydrogen atom in 3D.

10,000+ installs / 4.4 rating

Source code

Pendulum Studio

Get it on Google Play An Android app to simulate the motion of nine different pendulum systems in real time.

50,000+ installs / 4.6 rating

Source code
