Equation of state of QCD matter within the Hagedorn bag-like model

The QCD equation of state at finite temperature and densities of conserved charges is considered in the framework of a Hagedorn bag-like model, incorporating both the finite sizes of hadrons as well as their exponential mass spectrum. Augmented with …

QCD equation of state at finite baryon density with fugacity expansion

We explore the QCD equation of state at finite baryon density through an expansion in baryon number fugacity, making use of the recent lattice data on the four leading Fourier coefficients of the expansion. A state-of-the-art description of the …

Neutron Star Mergers: Probing the EoS of Hot, Dense Matter by Gravitational Waves

QCD at high density: Equation of state for nuclear collisions and neutron stars

A unified chiral mean field approach is presented for QCD thermodynamics in a wide range of temperatures and densities. The model simultaneously gives a satisfactory description of lattice QCD thermodynamics and fulfills nuclear matter and …

Lattice-based QCD equation of state at finite baryon density: Cluster Expansion Model

The QCD equation of state at finite baryon density is studied in the framework of a Cluster Expansion Model (CEM), which is based on the fugacity expansion of the net baryon density. The CEM uses the two leading Fourier coefficients, obtained from …

Analysis of hadron yield data within hadron resonance gas model with multi-component eigenvolume corrections

We analyze the sensitivity of thermal fits to heavy-ion hadron yield data of ALICE and NA49 collaborations to the systematic uncertainties in the hadron resonance gas (HRG) model related to the modeling of the eigenvolume interactions. We find a …

Updates to the p+p and A+A chemical freeze-out lines from the new experimental data

We show that the new data on mean multiplicities measured in p+p and A+A collisions together with the updated list of resonances lead to the significant changes of the obtained freeze-out lines. The new A+A line gives much smaller temperatures at …

Study of hard core repulsive interactions in an hadronic gas from a comparison with lattice QCD

Hydrodynamic modeling of a pure-glue initial scenario in high-energy hadron and heavy-ion collisions

Partonic matter produced in the early stage of ultrarelativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions is assumed to be composed mainly of gluons, and quarks and antiquarks are produced at later times. The comparable hydrodynamic simulations of heavy-ion …

Under‐saturation of quarks at early stages of relativistic nuclear collisions: The hot glue initial scenario and its observable signatures

The early stage of high multiplicity nuclear collisions is represented by a nearly quarkless, hot, deconfined pure gluon plasma. This new scenario should be characterized by a suppression of high $p_T$ photons and dileptons as well as by reduced …