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Package for hadron resonance gas model applications
Class implementing the ideal HRG model with exact conservation of charm (charm-canonical ensemble). More...
#include <ThermalModelCanonicalCharm.h>
Public Member Functions | |
ThermalModelCanonicalCharm (ThermalParticleSystem *TPS, const ThermalModelParameters ¶ms=ThermalModelParameters()) | |
Construct a new ThermalModelCanonicalCharm object. More... | |
virtual | ~ThermalModelCanonicalCharm (void) |
Destroy the ThermalModelCanonicalCharm object. More... | |
void | CalculateEnergyDensitiesGCE () |
Calculates the grand-canonical energy densities. More... | |
virtual void | SetParameters (const ThermalModelParameters ¶ms) |
The thermal parameters. More... | |
virtual void | SetCharmChemicalPotential (double muC) |
Override the base class method to always set \( \mu_C \) to zero. More... | |
virtual void | ChangeTPS (ThermalParticleSystem *TPS) |
Change the particle list. More... | |
virtual void | SetStatistics (bool stats) |
void | CalculateDensitiesGCE () |
Calculates the particle densities in a grand-canonical ensemble. More... | |
virtual void | FixParameters () |
Method which actually implements ConstrainChemicalPotentials() (for backward compatibility). More... | |
virtual void | CalculatePrimordialDensities () |
Calculates the primordial densities of all species. More... | |
void | CalculateFluctuations () |
Dummy function. Fluctuations not yet supported. More... | |
virtual double | CalculatePressure () |
Implementation of the equation of state functions. More... | |
virtual double | CalculateEnergyDensity () |
virtual double | CalculateEntropyDensity () |
virtual double | CalculateBaryonMatterEntropyDensity () |
The fraction of entropy carried by baryons (Ideal GCE only) More... | |
virtual double | CalculateMesonMatterEntropyDensity () |
The fraction of entropy carried by mesons (Ideal GCE only) More... | |
virtual double | ParticleScaledVariance (int) |
Scaled variance of primordial particle number fluctuations for species i. More... | |
virtual double | ParticleScalarDensity (int) |
The scalar density of the particle species i. More... | |
virtual bool | IsConservedChargeCanonical (ConservedCharge::Name charge) const |
Whether the given conserved charge is treated canonically. More... | |
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ThermalModelBase (ThermalParticleSystem *TPS, const ThermalModelParameters ¶ms=ThermalModelParameters()) | |
Construct a new ThermalModelBase object. More... | |
virtual | ~ThermalModelBase (void) |
int | ComponentsNumber () const |
Number of different particle species in the list. More... | |
virtual void | FillVirial (const std::vector< double > &ri=std::vector< double >(0)) |
Fills the excluded volume coefficients \( \tilde{b}_{ij} \) based on the provided radii parameters for all species. More... | |
bool | UseWidth () const |
Whether finite resonance widths are considered. More... | |
void | SetUseWidth (bool useWidth) |
Sets whether finite resonance widths are used. Deprecated. More... | |
void | SetUseWidth (ThermalParticle::ResonanceWidthIntegration type) |
Sets the finite resonance widths scheme to use. More... | |
void | SetOMP (bool openMP) |
OpenMP support. Currently not used. More... | |
void | UpdateParameters () |
Calls SetParameters() with current m_Parameters. More... | |
virtual void | SetTemperature (double T) |
Set the temperature. More... | |
virtual void | SetBaryonChemicalPotential (double muB) |
Set the baryon chemical potential. More... | |
virtual void | SetElectricChemicalPotential (double muQ) |
Set the electric chemical potential. More... | |
virtual void | SetStrangenessChemicalPotential (double muS) |
Set the strangeness chemical potential. More... | |
virtual void | SetGammaq (double gammaq) |
Set the light quark fugacity factor. More... | |
virtual void | SetGammaS (double gammaS) |
Set the strange quark fugacity factor. More... | |
virtual void | SetGammaC (double gammaC) |
Set the charm quark fugacity factor. More... | |
virtual void | SetBaryonCharge (int B) |
Set the total baryon number (for canonical ensemble only) More... | |
virtual void | SetElectricCharge (int Q) |
Set the total electric charge (for canonical ensemble only) More... | |
virtual void | SetStrangeness (int S) |
Set the total strangeness (for canonical ensemble only) More... | |
virtual void | SetCharm (int C) |
Set the total charm (for canonical ensemble only) More... | |
virtual void | SetRadius (double) |
Set the same excluded volume radius parameter for all species. More... | |
virtual void | SetRadius (int, double) |
Set the radius parameter for particle species i. More... | |
virtual void | SetVirial (int, int, double) |
Set the excluded volume coefficient \( \tilde{b}_{ij} \). More... | |
virtual void | SetAttraction (int, int, double) |
Set the vdW mean field attraction coefficient \( a_{ij} \). More... | |
virtual void | DisableMesonMesonAttraction () |
virtual void | DisableMesonBaryonAttraction () |
virtual void | DisableBaryonBaryonAttraction () |
virtual void | DisableBaryonAntiBaryonAttraction () |
virtual void | ReadInteractionParameters (const std::string &) |
Reads the QvdW interaction parameters from a file. More... | |
virtual void | WriteInteractionParameters (const std::string &) |
Write the QvdW interaction parameters to a file. More... | |
virtual double | AttractionCoefficient (int, int) const |
QvdW mean field attraction coefficient \( a_{ij} \). More... | |
bool | QuantumStatistics () const |
virtual void | SetCalculationType (IdealGasFunctions::QStatsCalculationType type) |
Sets the CalculationType() method to evaluate quantum statistics. Calls the corresponding method in TPS(). More... | |
virtual void | SetClusterExpansionOrder (int order) |
Set the number of terms in the cluster expansion method. Calls the corresponding method in TPS(). More... | |
void | SetResonanceWidthShape (ThermalParticle::ResonanceWidthShape shape) |
Set the ThermalParticle::ResonanceWidthShape for all particles. Calls the corresponding method in TPS(). More... | |
void | SetResonanceWidthIntegrationType (ThermalParticle::ResonanceWidthIntegration type) |
Set the ThermalParticle::ResonanceWidthIntegration scheme for all particles. Calls the corresponding method in TPS(). More... | |
virtual void | FillChemicalPotentials () |
Sets the chemical potentials of all particles. More... | |
virtual void | SetChemicalPotentials (const std::vector< double > &chem=std::vector< double >(0)) |
Sets the chemical potentials of all particles. More... | |
const std::vector< double > & | ChemicalPotentials () const |
A vector of chemical potentials of all particles. More... | |
double | ChemicalPotential (int i) const |
Chemical potential of particle species i. More... | |
virtual double | FullIdealChemicalPotential (int i) const |
Chemical potential entering the ideal gas expressions of particle species i. More... | |
bool | ConstrainMuB () const |
void | ConstrainMuB (bool constrain) |
bool | ConstrainMuQ () const |
void | ConstrainMuQ (bool constrain) |
bool | ConstrainMuS () const |
void | ConstrainMuS (bool constrain) |
bool | ConstrainMuC () const |
void | ConstrainMuC (bool constrain) |
void | UsePartialChemicalEquilibrium (bool usePCE) |
Sets whether partial chemical equilibrium with additional chemical potentials is used. More... | |
bool | UsePartialChemicalEquilibrium () |
Whether partial chemical equilibrium with additional chemical potentials is used. More... | |
void | SetVolume (double Volume) |
Sets the system volume. More... | |
double | Volume () const |
System volume (fm \(^3\)) More... | |
void | SetVolumeRadius (double R) |
Sets the system radius. More... | |
double | CanonicalVolume () const |
The canonical correlation volume V \(_c\) (fm \(^3\)) More... | |
void | SetCanonicalVolume (double Volume) |
Set the canonical correlation volume V \(_c\). More... | |
void | SetCanonicalVolumeRadius (double Rc) |
Set the canonical correlation system radius. More... | |
void | ConstrainChemicalPotentials (bool resetInitialValues=true) |
Constrains the chemical potentials \( \mu_B,\,\mu_Q,\,\mu_S,\,\mu_C \) by the conservation laws imposed. More... | |
virtual void | FixParametersNoReset () |
Method which actually implements ConstrainChemicalPotentialsNoReset() (for backward compatibility). More... | |
virtual bool | SolveChemicalPotentials (double totB=0., double totQ=0., double totS=0., double totC=0., double muBinit=0., double muQinit=0., double muSinit=0., double muCinit=0., bool ConstrMuB=true, bool ConstrMuQ=true, bool ConstrMuS=true, bool ConstrMuC=true) |
The procedure which calculates the chemical potentials \( \mu_B,\,\mu_Q,\,\mu_S,\,\mu_Q \) which reproduce the specified total baryon, electric, strangeness, and charm charges of the system. More... | |
virtual void | CalculateDensities () |
Calculates the primordial and total (after decays) densities of all species. More... | |
virtual void | ValidateCalculation () |
Checks whether issues have occured during the calculation of particle densities in the CalculateDensities() method. More... | |
std::string | ValidityCheckLog () const |
All messaged which occured during the validation procedure in the ValidateCalculation() method. More... | |
virtual void | CalculateFeeddown () |
Calculates the total densities which include feeddown contributions. More... | |
virtual void | CalculateTwoParticleCorrelations () |
Computes the fluctuations and correlations of the primordial particle numbers. More... | |
virtual void | CalculateTwoParticleFluctuationsDecays () |
Computes particle number correlations and fluctuations for all final-state particles which are marked stable. More... | |
virtual double | TwoParticleSusceptibilityPrimordial (int i, int j) const |
Returns the computed primordial particle number (cross-)susceptibility \( \frac{1}{VT^3} \, \langle \Delta N_i \Delta N_j \rangle \) for particles with ids i and j. CalculateFluctuations() must be called beforehand. More... | |
virtual double | TwoParticleSusceptibilityPrimordialByPdg (long long id1, long long id2) |
Returns the computed primordial particle number (cross-)susceptibility \( \frac{1}{VT^3} \, \langle \Delta N_i \Delta N_j \rangle \) for particles with pdg codes id1 and id2. CalculateFluctuations() must be called beforehand. More... | |
virtual double | NetParticleSusceptibilityPrimordialByPdg (long long id1, long long id2) |
Returns the computed (cross-)susceptibility \( \frac{1}{VT^3} \, \langle \Delta N_i \Delta N_j \rangle \) between primordial net-particle numbers for pdg codes id1 and id2. CalculateFluctuations() must be called beforehand. More... | |
virtual double | TwoParticleSusceptibilityFinal (int i, int j) const |
Returns the computed final particle number (cross-)susceptibility \( \frac{1}{VT^3} \, \langle \Delta N_i \Delta N_j \rangle \) for particles with ids i and j. CalculateFluctuations() must be called beforehand. Both particle species must be those marked stable. More... | |
virtual double | TwoParticleSusceptibilityFinalByPdg (long long id1, long long id2) |
Returns the computed final particle number (cross-)susceptibility \( \frac{1}{VT^3} \, \langle \Delta N_i \Delta N_j \rangle \) for particles with pdg codes id1 and id2. CalculateFluctuations() must be called beforehand. Both particle species must be those marked stable. More... | |
virtual double | NetParticleSusceptibilityFinalByPdg (long long id1, long long id2) |
Returns the computed (cross-)susceptibility \( \frac{1}{VT^3} \, \langle \Delta N_i \Delta N_j \rangle \) between final net-particle numbers for pdg codes id1 and id2. CalculateFluctuations() must be called beforehand. More... | |
virtual double | PrimordialParticleChargeSusceptibility (int i, ConservedCharge::Name chg) const |
Returns the computed primordial particle vs conserved charge (cross-)susceptibility \( \frac{1}{VT^3} \, \langle \Delta N_i \Delta N_chg \rangle \) for particle with id i and conserved charge chg. CalculateFluctuations() must be called beforehand. More... | |
virtual double | PrimordialParticleChargeSusceptibilityByPdg (long long id1, ConservedCharge::Name chg) |
Returns the computed primordial particle vs conserved charge (cross-)susceptibility \( \frac{1}{VT^3} \, \langle \Delta N_i \Delta N_chg \rangle \) for particle with pdg code id1 and conserved charge chg. CalculateFluctuations() must be called beforehand. More... | |
virtual double | PrimordialNetParticleChargeSusceptibilityByPdg (long long id1, ConservedCharge::Name chg) |
Returns the computed primordial net particle vs conserved charge (cross-)susceptibility \( \frac{1}{VT^3} \, \langle \Delta N_i \Delta N_chg \rangle \) for particle with pdg code id1 and conserved charge chg. CalculateFluctuations() must be called beforehand. More... | |
virtual double | FinalParticleChargeSusceptibility (int i, ConservedCharge::Name chg) const |
Returns the computed final (after decays) particle vs conserved charge (cross-)susceptibility \( \frac{1}{VT^3} \, \langle \Delta N_i \Delta N_chg \rangle \) for particle with id i and conserved charge chg. CalculateFluctuations() must be called beforehand. More... | |
virtual double | FinalParticleChargeSusceptibilityByPdg (long long id1, ConservedCharge::Name chg) |
Returns the computed final (after decays) particle vs conserved charge (cross-)susceptibility \( \frac{1}{VT^3} \, \langle \Delta N_i \Delta N_chg \rangle \) for particle with pdg code id1 and conserved charge chg. CalculateFluctuations() must be called beforehand. More... | |
virtual double | FinalNetParticleChargeSusceptibilityByPdg (long long id1, ConservedCharge::Name chg) |
Returns the computed final (after decays) net particle vs conserved charge (cross-)susceptibility \( \frac{1}{VT^3} \, \langle \Delta N_i \Delta N_chg \rangle \) for particle with pdg code id1 and conserved charge chg. CalculateFluctuations() must be called beforehand. More... | |
virtual void | CalculateSusceptibilityMatrix () |
Calculates the conserved charges susceptibility matrix. More... | |
virtual void | CalculateProxySusceptibilityMatrix () |
Calculates the susceptibility matrix of conserved charges proxies. More... | |
virtual void | CalculateParticleChargeCorrelationMatrix () |
Calculates the matrix of correlators between primordial (and also final) particle numbers and conserved charges. More... | |
virtual std::vector< double > | CalculateChargeFluctuations (const std::vector< double > &chgs, int order=4) |
Calculates fluctuations (diagonal susceptibilities) of an arbitrary "conserved" charge. More... | |
double | Pressure () |
System pressure (GeV fm \(^{-3}\)) More... | |
double | EnergyDensity () |
Energy density (GeV fm \(^{-3}\)) More... | |
double | EntropyDensity () |
Entropy density (fm \(^{-3}\)) More... | |
double | HadronDensity () |
Total number density of all particle (fm \(^{-3}\)) More... | |
double | BaryonDensity () |
Net baryon density (fm \(^{-3}\)) More... | |
double | ElectricChargeDensity () |
Electric charge density (fm \(^{-3}\)) More... | |
double | StrangenessDensity () |
Net strangeness density (fm \(^{-3}\)) More... | |
double | CharmDensity () |
Net charm density (fm \(^{-3}\)) More... | |
double | AbsoluteBaryonDensity () |
Absolute baryon number density (baryons + antibaryons) (fm \(^{-3}\)) More... | |
double | AbsoluteElectricChargeDensity () |
Absolute electric charge density (Q+ + Q-) (fm \(^{-3}\)) More... | |
double | AbsoluteStrangenessDensity () |
Absolute strange quark content density (fm \(^{-3}\)) More... | |
double | AbsoluteCharmDensity () |
Absolute charm quark content density (fm \(^{-3}\)) More... | |
virtual double | CalculateArbitraryChargeDensity () |
Computes the density of the auxiliary ArbitraryCharge() More... | |
virtual double | ParticleSkewness (int) |
Skewness of primordial particle number fluctuations for species i. More... | |
virtual double | ParticleKurtosis (int) |
Kurtosis of primordial particle number fluctuations for species i. More... | |
virtual double | CalculateEigenvolumeFraction () |
virtual double | GetMaxDiff () const |
virtual bool | IsLastSolutionOK () const |
double | GetDensity (long long PDGID, int feeddown) |
Same as GetDensity(int,Feeddown::Type) More... | |
double | GetDensity (long long PDGID, Feeddown::Type feeddown) |
Particle number density of species with a specified PDG ID and feeddown. More... | |
double | GetYield (long long PDGID, Feeddown::Type feeddown) |
Particle number yield of species with a specified PDG ID and feeddown. More... | |
std::vector< double > | GetIdealGasDensities () const |
ThermalParticleSystem * | TPS () |
const std::vector< double > & | Densities () const |
const std::vector< double > & | TotalDensities () const |
const std::vector< std::vector< double > > & | AllDensities () const |
void | SetTAG (const std::string &tag) |
Set the tag for this ThermalModelBase object. More... | |
const std::string & | TAG () const |
The tag of this ThermalModelBase object. More... | |
void | ResetCalculatedFlags () |
Reset all flags which correspond to a calculation status. More... | |
bool | IsCalculated () const |
bool | IsFluctuationsCalculated () const |
bool | IsGCECalculated () const |
double | ScaledVariancePrimordial (int id) const |
Scaled variance of primordial particle number fluctuations for particle species id. More... | |
double | ScaledVarianceTotal (int id) const |
Scaled variance of final particle number fluctuations for particle species id. More... | |
double | SkewnessPrimordial (int id) const |
Normalized skewness of primordial particle number fluctuations for particle species id. More... | |
double | SkewnessTotal (int id) const |
Normalized skewness of final particle number fluctuations for particle species id. More... | |
double | KurtosisPrimordial (int id) const |
Normalized excess kurtosis of primordial particle number fluctuations for particle species id. More... | |
double | KurtosisTotal (int id) const |
Normalized excess kurtosis of final particle number fluctuations for particle species id. More... | |
double | ConservedChargeDensity (ConservedCharge::Name chg) |
A density of a conserved charge (in fm^-3) More... | |
double | Susc (ConservedCharge::Name i, ConservedCharge::Name j) const |
A 2nd order susceptibility of conserved charges. More... | |
double | ProxySusc (ConservedCharge::Name i, ConservedCharge::Name j) const |
A 2nd order susceptibility of conserved charges proxies. More... | |
double | ChargedMultiplicity (int type=0) |
Multiplicity of charged particles. More... | |
double | ChargedScaledVariance (int type=0) |
Scaled variance of charged particles. More... | |
double | ChargedMultiplicityFinal (int type=0) |
Multiplicity of charged particles including the feeddown contributions in accordance with the stability flags. More... | |
double | ChargedScaledVarianceFinal (int type=0) |
Scaled variance of charged particles including the feeddown contributions in accordance with the stability flags. More... | |
ThermalModelEnsemble | Ensemble () |
The statistical ensemble of the current HRG model. More... | |
ThermalModelInteraction | InteractionModel () |
The interactions present in the current HRG model. More... | |
void | SetNormBratio (bool normBratio) |
Whether branching ratios are renormalized to 100%. More... | |
bool | NormBratio () const |
const ThermalModelParameters & | Parameters () const |
virtual void | DisableMesonMesonVirial () |
void | DisableMesonMesonRepulsion () |
virtual void | DisableMesonBaryonVirial () |
void | DisableMesonBaryonRepulsion () |
virtual void | DisableBaryonBaryonVirial () |
void | DisableBaryonBaryonRepulsion () |
virtual void | DisableBaryonAntiBaryonVirial () |
void | DisableBaryonAntiBaryonRepulsion () |
virtual double | VirialCoefficient (int, int) const |
Excluded volume coefficient \( \tilde{b}_{ij} = 0 \). More... | |
double | RepulsionCoefficient (int i, int j) const |
void | SetSoverB (double SB) |
The entropy per baryon ratio to be used to constrain the baryon chemical potential. More... | |
double | SoverB () const |
void | SetQoverB (double QB) |
The electric-to-baryon charge ratio to be used to constrain the electric chemical potential. More... | |
double | QoverB () const |
virtual double | CalculateHadronDensity () |
virtual double | CalculateBaryonDensity () |
virtual double | CalculateChargeDensity () |
virtual double | CalculateStrangenessDensity () |
virtual double | CalculateCharmDensity () |
virtual double | CalculateAbsoluteBaryonDensity () |
virtual double | CalculateAbsoluteChargeDensity () |
virtual double | CalculateAbsoluteStrangenessDensity () |
virtual double | CalculateAbsoluteCharmDensity () |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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enum | ThermalModelEnsemble { GCE = 0, CE = 1, SCE = 2, CCE = 3 } |
The list of statistical ensembles. More... | |
enum | ThermalModelInteraction { Ideal = 0, DiagonalEV = 1, CrosstermsEV = 2, QvdW = 3, RealGas = 4, MeanField = 5 } |
Type of interactions included in the HRG model. More... | |
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virtual double | MuShift (int) const |
Shift in chemical potential of particle species id due to interactions. More... | |
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ThermalModelParameters | m_Parameters |
ThermalParticleSystem * | m_TPS |
bool | m_LastCalculationSuccessFlag |
double | m_MaxDiff |
bool | m_Calculated |
bool | m_FeeddownCalculated |
bool | m_FluctuationsCalculated |
bool | m_GCECalculated |
bool | m_UseWidth |
bool | m_NormBratio |
bool | m_QuantumStats |
double | m_QBgoal |
double | m_SBgoal |
double | m_Volume |
bool | m_ConstrainMuB |
bool | m_ConstrainMuQ |
bool | m_ConstrainMuS |
bool | m_ConstrainMuC |
bool | m_PCE |
bool | m_useOpenMP |
std::vector< double > | m_densities |
std::vector< double > | m_densitiestotal |
std::vector< std::vector< double > > | m_densitiesbyfeeddown |
std::vector< double > | m_Chem |
std::vector< double > | m_wprim |
std::vector< double > | m_wtot |
std::vector< double > | m_skewprim |
std::vector< double > | m_skewtot |
std::vector< double > | m_kurtprim |
std::vector< double > | m_kurttot |
std::vector< std::vector< double > > | m_PrimCorrel |
std::vector< std::vector< double > > | m_TotalCorrel |
std::vector< std::vector< double > > | m_PrimChargesCorrel |
std::vector< std::vector< double > > | m_FinalChargesCorrel |
std::vector< std::vector< double > > | m_Susc |
std::vector< std::vector< double > > | m_ProxySusc |
std::string | m_ValidityLog |
double | m_wnSum |
std::string | m_TAG |
ThermalModelEnsemble | m_Ensemble |
ThermalModelInteraction | m_InteractionModel |
Class implementing the ideal HRG model with exact conservation of charm (charm-canonical ensemble).
Assumes that the net charm should be equal to zero.
Assumes there are no multi-charmed particles.
Applies Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics to all charmed particles.
Fluctuation observables are not supported.
Definition at line 33 of file ThermalModelCanonicalCharm.h.
thermalfist::ThermalModelCanonicalCharm::ThermalModelCanonicalCharm | ( | ThermalParticleSystem * | TPS, |
const ThermalModelParameters & | params = ThermalModelParameters() |
) |
Construct a new ThermalModelCanonicalCharm object.
TPS | A pointer to the ThermalParticleSystem object containing the particle list |
params | ThermalModelParameters object with current thermal parameters |
Definition at line 17 of file ThermalModelCanonicalCharm.cpp.
virtual |
Destroy the ThermalModelCanonicalCharm object.
Definition at line 39 of file ThermalModelCanonicalCharm.cpp.
inlinevirtual |
The fraction of entropy carried by baryons (Ideal GCE only)
Reimplemented from thermalfist::ThermalModelBase.
Definition at line 107 of file ThermalModelCanonicalCharm.h.
virtual |
Calculates the particle densities in a grand-canonical ensemble.
A non-GCE based derived class will override this method.
Reimplemented from thermalfist::ThermalModelBase.
Definition at line 66 of file ThermalModelCanonicalCharm.cpp.
void thermalfist::ThermalModelCanonicalCharm::CalculateEnergyDensitiesGCE | ( | ) |
Calculates the grand-canonical energy densities.
Definition at line 73 of file ThermalModelCanonicalCharm.cpp.
virtual |
Implements thermalfist::ThermalModelBase.
Definition at line 141 of file ThermalModelCanonicalCharm.cpp.
virtual |
Implements thermalfist::ThermalModelBase.
Definition at line 149 of file ThermalModelCanonicalCharm.cpp.
virtual |
Dummy function. Fluctuations not yet supported.
Reimplemented from thermalfist::ThermalModelBase.
Definition at line 130 of file ThermalModelCanonicalCharm.cpp.
inlinevirtual |
The fraction of entropy carried by mesons (Ideal GCE only)
Reimplemented from thermalfist::ThermalModelBase.
Definition at line 109 of file ThermalModelCanonicalCharm.h.
virtual |
Implementation of the equation of state functions.
Implements thermalfist::ThermalModelBase.
Definition at line 157 of file ThermalModelCanonicalCharm.cpp.
virtual |
Calculates the primordial densities of all species.
Calculates the primordial densities by applying the canonical corrections factors to the grand-canonical densities.
Implements thermalfist::ThermalModelBase.
Definition at line 86 of file ThermalModelCanonicalCharm.cpp.
virtual |
Change the particle list.
TPS | A pointer to new particle list. |
Reimplemented from thermalfist::ThermalModelBase.
Definition at line 54 of file ThermalModelCanonicalCharm.cpp.
virtual |
Method which actually implements ConstrainChemicalPotentials() (for backward compatibility).
Ensures that charm chemical potential should not be computed.
Reimplemented from thermalfist::ThermalModelBase.
Definition at line 80 of file ThermalModelCanonicalCharm.cpp.
virtual |
Whether the given conserved charge is treated canonically.
Reimplemented from thermalfist::ThermalModelBase.
Definition at line 163 of file ThermalModelCanonicalCharm.cpp.
inlinevirtual |
The scalar density of the particle species i.
Implements thermalfist::ThermalModelBase.
Definition at line 113 of file ThermalModelCanonicalCharm.h.
inlinevirtual |
Scaled variance of primordial particle number fluctuations for species i.
Reimplemented from thermalfist::ThermalModelBase.
Definition at line 111 of file ThermalModelCanonicalCharm.h.
virtual |
Override the base class method to always set \( \mu_C \) to zero.
muC | Value irrelevant |
Reimplemented from thermalfist::ThermalModelBase.
Definition at line 49 of file ThermalModelCanonicalCharm.cpp.
virtual |
The thermal parameters.
params | The thermal parameters to be used Ensures that charm chemical potential is zero. |
Reimplemented from thermalfist::ThermalModelBase.
Definition at line 44 of file ThermalModelCanonicalCharm.cpp.
virtual |
Set whether quantum statistics is used, 0 - Boltzmann, 1 - Quantum Ensures that the Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics are applied to all charmed particles.
Reimplemented from thermalfist::ThermalModelBase.
Definition at line 59 of file ThermalModelCanonicalCharm.cpp.