Thermal-FIST  1.3
Package for hadron resonance gas model applications
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NthermalfistThe main namespace where all classes and functions of the Thermal-FIST library reside
 NAcceptanceRoutines used for modeling the acceptance effects
 CAcceptanceFunctionStructure which contains the binomial probabilities for particle with given y and pt to be accepted
 NRandomGeneratorsContains random generator functions used in the Monte Carlo Thermal Event Generator
 CBesselDistributionGeneratorGenerator of a random number from the Bessel distribution (a, nu), nu is integer Uses methods from Used in event generator with exact conservation of charges to generate two Poisson numbers with fixed difference, as described in
 CBoostInvariantMomentumGeneratorClass for generating momentum of a particle in accordance with a longitudinally boost invariant and azimuthally symmetric freeze-out model
 CBreitWignerGeneratorClass for generating mass of resonance in accordance with the relativistic Breit-Wigner distribution
 CParticleMomentumGeneratorBase class for Monte Carlo sampling of particle momenta
 CSiemensRasmussenMomentumGeneratorClass for generating the momentum of a particle in accordance with the Siemens-Rasmussen formula
 CSiemensRasmussenMomentumGeneratorGeneralizedA generalized class for generating the momentum of a particle in accordance with the Siemens-Rasmussen spherically symmetric blast-wave model which is able to incoporate Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics
 CSSHMomentumGeneratorClass for generating the momentum of a particle in accordance with the longitudinally symmetric blast-wave model
 CThermalBreitWignerGeneratorClass for generating mass of resonance in accordance with the constant width Breit-Wigner distribution multiplied by the thermal density
 CThermalEnergyBreitWignerGeneratorClass for generating mass of resonance in accordance with the energy-dependent Breit-Wigner distribution multiplied by the thermal density
 CThermalMomentumGeneratorClass for generating the absolute values of the momentum of a particle in its local rest frame
 CBilinearSplineFunctionA class implementing a bilinear spline
 CBoostInvariantFreezeoutParametrizationBase class implementing a longitudinally boost-invariant azimuthally symmetric freeze-out parametrization
 CBoostInvariantMomentumDistributionClass implementing the momentum distribution of boost-invariant, azimuthally symmetric freeze-out models using Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics
 CBroydenClass implementing the Broyden method to solve a system of non-linear equations
 CBroydenSolutionCriteriumSub-class where it is determined whether the required accuracy is achieved in the Broyden's method
 CBroydenEquationsAbstract class which defines the system of non-linear equations to be solved by the Broyden's method
 CBroydenJacobianClass which implements calculation of the Jacobian needed for the Broyden's method
 CConservedChargeAn auxiliary struct containing the list of conserved charges
 CCracowFreezeoutEventGeneratorClass implementing the Thermal Event Generator for the Cracow freeze-out model scenario
 CCracowFreezeoutParametrizationImplements the Cracow (Hubble-like) freeze-out model parametrization
 CCylindricalBlastWaveEventGeneratorClass implementing the Thermal Event Generator for the longitudinally symmetric blast-wave scenario
 CCylindricalBlastWaveParametrizationImplements the cylindrically symmetric blast-wave model parametrization
 CEventGeneratorBaseBase class for generating events with the Thermal Event Generator
 CEventGeneratorConfigurationStructure containing the thermal event generator configuration
 CExcludedVolumeModelBase class implementing auxiliary excluded-volume functions needed for multi-component mean-field approach. Contains van der Waals functions
 CExcludedVolumeModelCSDerived class implementing auxiliary excluded-volume functions for multi-component mean-field approach from the Carnahan-Starling model
 CExperimentMultiplicityStructure containing the experimental yield (multiplicity) to be fitted
 CExperimentRatioStructure containing the experimental ratio of yields to be fitted
 CFeeddownAn auxiliary struct containing the list of feeddown flags
 CFitParameterStructure for an arbitrary fit parameter
 CFittedQuantityStructure describing the measurement to be fitted or compared to model
 CMomentumDistributionBaseClass implementing the primordial 3-momentum distribution function of certain particle species
 CParticleDecayChannelStructure containing information about a single decay channel of a particle
 CParticleDecayTypeAn auxiliary struct containing the list of decay types
 CQuantumNumbersStruct containing a set of quantum numbers: Baryon number, electric charge, strangeness, and charm
 CSiemensRasmussenDistributionClass implementing the momentum distribution in the spherically symmetric Blast-Wave model of Siemens and Rasmussen
 CSimpleEventStructure holding information about a single event in the event generator
 CEventOutputConfigConfiguration for the event output
 CSimpleParticleStructure holding information about a single particle in the event generator
 CSphericalBlastWaveEventGeneratorClass implementing the Thermal Event Generator for the isotropic blast-wave scenario
 CSplineFunctionClass implementing a simple linear spline
 CSSHDistributionClass implementing the momentum distribution in the longitudinally symmetric Blast-Wave model
 CThermalModelBaseAbstract base class for an HRG model implementation
 CThermalModelCanonicalClass implementing the ideal HRG model in the canonical ensemble
 CThermalModelCanonicalCharmClass implementing the ideal HRG model with exact conservation of charm (charm-canonical ensemble)
 CThermalModelCanonicalStrangenessClass implementing the ideal HRG model with exact conservation of strangeness (strangeness-canonical ensemble)
 CThermalModelEVCanonicalStrangenessClass implementing the diagonal excluded-volume model in the strangeness-canonical ensemble
 CThermalModelEVCrosstermsClass implementing the crossterms excluded-volume model
 CThermalModelEVDiagonalClass implementing the diagonal excluded-volume model
 CThermalModelFitClass implementing the thermal model fit procedure
 CThermalModelFitParametersStructure holding information about parameters of a thermal fit
 CThermalModelFitParametersExtendedExtended structure for calculating uncertainties in non-fit quantities resulting from uncertanties in fit parameters
 CThermalModelIdealClass implementing the Ideal HRG model
 CThermalModelParametersStructure containing all thermal parameters of the model
 CThermalModelPCEClass implementing HRG in partial chemical equilibrium
 CThermalModelVDWClass implementing the quantum van der Waals HRG model
 CThermalModelVDWCanonicalStrangenessClass implementing the quantum van der Waals model in the strangeness-canonical ensemble
 CThermalParticleClass containing all information about a particle specie
 CThermalParticleSystemClass containing the particle list