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Package for hadron resonance gas model applications
▼Nthermalfist | The main namespace where all classes and functions of the Thermal-FIST library reside |
▼NAcceptance | Routines used for modeling the acceptance effects |
CAcceptanceFunction | Structure which contains the binomial probabilities for particle with given y and pt to be accepted |
▼NRandomGenerators | Contains random generator functions used in the Monte Carlo Thermal Event Generator |
CBesselDistributionGenerator | Generator of a random number from the Bessel distribution (a, nu), nu is integer Uses methods from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S016771520200055X Used in event generator with exact conservation of charges to generate two Poisson numbers with fixed difference, as described in https://arxiv.org/pdf/1609.01087.pdf |
CBoostInvariantMomentumGenerator | Class for generating momentum of a particle in accordance with a longitudinally boost invariant and azimuthally symmetric freeze-out model |
CBreitWignerGenerator | Class for generating mass of resonance in accordance with the relativistic Breit-Wigner distribution |
CParticleMomentumGenerator | Base class for Monte Carlo sampling of particle momenta |
CSiemensRasmussenMomentumGenerator | Class for generating the momentum of a particle in accordance with the Siemens-Rasmussen formula |
CSiemensRasmussenMomentumGeneratorGeneralized | A generalized class for generating the momentum of a particle in accordance with the Siemens-Rasmussen spherically symmetric blast-wave model which is able to incoporate Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics |
CSSHMomentumGenerator | Class for generating the momentum of a particle in accordance with the longitudinally symmetric blast-wave model |
CThermalBreitWignerGenerator | Class for generating mass of resonance in accordance with the constant width Breit-Wigner distribution multiplied by the thermal density |
CThermalEnergyBreitWignerGenerator | Class for generating mass of resonance in accordance with the energy-dependent Breit-Wigner distribution multiplied by the thermal density |
CThermalMomentumGenerator | Class for generating the absolute values of the momentum of a particle in its local rest frame |
CBilinearSplineFunction | A class implementing a bilinear spline |
CBoostInvariantFreezeoutParametrization | Base class implementing a longitudinally boost-invariant azimuthally symmetric freeze-out parametrization |
CBoostInvariantMomentumDistribution | Class implementing the momentum distribution of boost-invariant, azimuthally symmetric freeze-out models using Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics |
▼CBroyden | Class implementing the Broyden method to solve a system of non-linear equations |
CBroydenSolutionCriterium | Sub-class where it is determined whether the required accuracy is achieved in the Broyden's method |
CBroydenEquations | Abstract class which defines the system of non-linear equations to be solved by the Broyden's method |
CBroydenJacobian | Class which implements calculation of the Jacobian needed for the Broyden's method |
CConservedCharge | An auxiliary struct containing the list of conserved charges |
CCracowFreezeoutEventGenerator | Class implementing the Thermal Event Generator for the Cracow freeze-out model scenario |
CCracowFreezeoutParametrization | Implements the Cracow (Hubble-like) freeze-out model parametrization |
CCylindricalBlastWaveEventGenerator | Class implementing the Thermal Event Generator for the longitudinally symmetric blast-wave scenario |
CCylindricalBlastWaveParametrization | Implements the cylindrically symmetric blast-wave model parametrization |
CDisclaimer | |
CEventGeneratorBase | Base class for generating events with the Thermal Event Generator |
CEventGeneratorConfiguration | Structure containing the thermal event generator configuration |
CEVSolution | |
CExcludedVolumeModel | Base class implementing auxiliary excluded-volume functions needed for multi-component mean-field approach. Contains van der Waals functions |
CExcludedVolumeModelCS | Derived class implementing auxiliary excluded-volume functions for multi-component mean-field approach from the Carnahan-Starling model |
CExperimentMultiplicity | Structure containing the experimental yield (multiplicity) to be fitted |
CExperimentRatio | Structure containing the experimental ratio of yields to be fitted |
CFeeddown | An auxiliary struct containing the list of feeddown flags |
CFitParameter | Structure for an arbitrary fit parameter |
CFittedQuantity | Structure describing the measurement to be fitted or compared to model |
CMomentumDistributionBase | Class implementing the primordial 3-momentum distribution function of certain particle species |
CParticleDecayChannel | Structure containing information about a single decay channel of a particle |
CParticleDecayType | An auxiliary struct containing the list of decay types |
CQuantumNumbers | Struct containing a set of quantum numbers: Baryon number, electric charge, strangeness, and charm |
CSiemensRasmussenDistribution | Class implementing the momentum distribution in the spherically symmetric Blast-Wave model of Siemens and Rasmussen |
▼CSimpleEvent | Structure holding information about a single event in the event generator |
CEventOutputConfig | Configuration for the event output |
CSimpleParticle | Structure holding information about a single particle in the event generator |
CSphericalBlastWaveEventGenerator | Class implementing the Thermal Event Generator for the isotropic blast-wave scenario |
CSplineFunction | Class implementing a simple linear spline |
CSSHDistribution | Class implementing the momentum distribution in the longitudinally symmetric Blast-Wave model |
CThermalModelBase | Abstract base class for an HRG model implementation |
CThermalModelCanonical | Class implementing the ideal HRG model in the canonical ensemble |
CThermalModelCanonicalCharm | Class implementing the ideal HRG model with exact conservation of charm (charm-canonical ensemble) |
CThermalModelCanonicalStrangeness | Class implementing the ideal HRG model with exact conservation of strangeness (strangeness-canonical ensemble) |
CThermalModelEVCanonicalStrangeness | Class implementing the diagonal excluded-volume model in the strangeness-canonical ensemble |
CThermalModelEVCrossterms | Class implementing the crossterms excluded-volume model |
CThermalModelEVDiagonal | Class implementing the diagonal excluded-volume model |
CThermalModelFit | Class implementing the thermal model fit procedure |
CThermalModelFitParameters | Structure holding information about parameters of a thermal fit |
CThermalModelFitParametersExtended | Extended structure for calculating uncertainties in non-fit quantities resulting from uncertanties in fit parameters |
CThermalModelIdeal | Class implementing the Ideal HRG model |
CThermalModelParameters | Structure containing all thermal parameters of the model |
▼CThermalModelPCE | Class implementing HRG in partial chemical equilibrium |
CBroydenEquationsPCE | |
CThermalModelVDW | Class implementing the quantum van der Waals HRG model |
CThermalModelVDWCanonicalStrangeness | Class implementing the quantum van der Waals model in the strangeness-canonical ensemble |
CThermalParticle | Class containing all information about a particle specie |
CThermalParticleSystem | Class containing the particle list |