CEM equation of state in a tabulated format

Cluster expansion model (CEM) is a lattice-based model for the QCD equation of state at finite baryon densities. See more info here and here. It is provided here in a tabulated form.

Download: CEM-urqmdstyleEoS.zip

The archive contains three files: CEMmini.dat, CEMsmall.dat, and CEMbig.dat. All files have the same format and correspond to different ranges of tabulated energy and baryon number densities. The table format is the following:

  1. Temperature [MeV]
  2. Baryochemical potential [MeV]
  3. Energy density in units of $e_0$, where $e_0$ = 0.14651751415742 GeV/fm$^3$
  4. Pressure in units of $e_0$, where $e_0$ = 0.14651751415742 GeV/fm$^3$
  5. Baryon number density in units of $n_0$, where $n_0$ = 0.15891 fm$^{-3}$
  6. Entropy density in units of $n_0$, where $n_0$ = 0.15891 fm$^{-3}$
  7. $\mu_S$ [MeV], here equals zero everywhere
  8. Auxialiary column for UrQMD stuff, which is not used here and filled with 1


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