Thermal-FIST  1.3
Package for hadron resonance gas model applications

Calculates the collision energy dependence of 2nd order susceptibilities of (proxy) conserved charges, computed within the Ideal HRG model along the phenomenological chemical freeze-out curve.

Calculations are done in two steps:

  1. Analytically
  2. With Monte Carlo (if <withMonteCarlo> = 1)


1 cpc4mcHRG <withMonteCarlo> <nevents>

where <withMonteCarlo> flag determines whether Monte Carlo calculations are performed and <nevents> is the number of Monte Carlo events per single collision energy

#include <string.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdio>
#include "HRGBase.h"
#include "HRGEV.h"
#include "HRGFit.h"
#include "HRGVDW.h"
#include "ThermalFISTConfig.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace thermalfist;
double muBss(double ss) {
return 1.308 / (1. + 0.273 * ss);
double Tss(double ss) {
double tmpmuB = muBss(ss);
return 0.166 - 0.139 * tmpmuB * tmpmuB - 0.053 * tmpmuB * tmpmuB * tmpmuB * tmpmuB;
// Calculates the (mixed) susceptibility using the average decay procedure of 1402.1238
// by introducing auxiliary chemical potential for all decaying resonances
// ch1,2 -- vector of charges that all final state hadrons contribute to the observable 1,2
double CalculateAveragedDecaysChi2(ThermalModelBase *model, const std::vector<double> & ch1, const std::vector<double> & ch2)
double ret = 0.;
for (int r = 0; r < model->TPS()->ComponentsNumber(); ++r) {
//const ThermalParticle &part_r = model->TPS()->Particle(r);
double mn1 = model->ScaledVariancePrimordial(r) * model->Densities()[r] / pow(model->Parameters().T, 3) / pow(xMath::GeVtoifm(), 3);
double mn2 = 0., mn3 = 0.;
for (int j = 0; j < model->TPS()->ComponentsNumber(); ++j) {
//const ThermalParticle &part_j = model->TPS()->Particle(j);
double njavr = 0.;
for (size_t i = 0; i < decayDistributions.size(); ++i) {
njavr += decayDistributions[i].first * decayDistributions[i].second[j];
mn2 += ch1[j] * njavr;
mn3 += ch2[j] * njavr;
ret += mn1 * mn2 * mn3;
return ret;
// Collision energy dependence of 2nd order susceptibilities of
// (proxy) conserved charges, computed within the Ideal HRG model
// along the phenomenological chemical freeze-out curve
// Comparison of analytic and Monte Carlo calculations
// Usage: cpc4mcHRG <withMonteCarlo> <nevents>
// where <withMonteCarlo> flag determines whether Monte Carlo calculations
// are performed and <nevents> is the number of Monte Carlo events per
// single collision energy
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int withMonteCarlo = 1;
if (argc > 1)
withMonteCarlo = atoi(argv[1]);
int nevents = 100000;
if (argc >2)
nevents = atoi(argv[2]);
string listname = string(ThermalFIST_INPUT_FOLDER) + "/list/PDG2014/list.dat";
ThermalParticleSystem parts(listname);
// Disable K0 and K0bar decays to avoid strangeness non-conservation
// Optionally switch off some decays
//for (size_t i = 0; i < parts.Particles().size(); ++i) {
// ThermalParticle& part = parts.Particle(i);
// // Switch off |S| = 1 hyperon decays
// if (abs(part.BaryonCharge()) == 1 && abs(part.Strangeness()) == 1)
// part.SetStable(true);
// // Switch off K*0 like decays
// if (abs(part.BaryonCharge()) == 0 && abs(part.Strangeness()) == 1 && part.ElectricCharge() == 0)
// part.SetStable(true);
// // Switch off all decays
// part.SetStable(true);
params.V = 1000.;
model = new ThermalModelIdeal(&parts);
// Normalize branching ratios to avoid charge non-conservation in decays
// For calculating net-kaon scaled variance using "average decays"
vector<double> coefsk(parts.Particles().size(), 0.);
coefsk[parts.PdgToId(321)] = 1.;
coefsk[parts.PdgToId(-321)] = -1.;
double smin = 3.;
double smax = 3000.;
int iterss = 100;
double wt1 = get_wall_time();
int iters = 0;
double musp = 0., muqp = 0., mucp = 0.;
// First analytic calculations
FILE *f = fopen("cpc4.analyt.dat", "w");
fprintf(f, "%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s\n",
vector<double> ens, Ts, muBs, muQs, muSs;
double logSmin = log(smin);
double logSmax = log(smax);
double dlogS = (logSmax - logSmin) / iterss;
for (int is = 0; is <= iterss; ++is) {
double ss = exp(logSmin + is * dlogS);
double T = Tss(ss);
double muB = muBss(ss);
musp = model->Parameters().muS;
muqp = model->Parameters().muQ;
mucp = model->Parameters().muC;
double chi1B = model->CalculateBaryonDensity() / pow(T, 3) / pow(xMath::GeVtoifm(), 3);
double chi1Q = model->CalculateChargeDensity() / pow(T, 3) / pow(xMath::GeVtoifm(), 3);
double chi1S = model->CalculateStrangenessDensity() / pow(T, 3) / pow(xMath::GeVtoifm(), 3);
double chi1p = (model->GetDensity(2212, Feeddown::StabilityFlag) - model->GetDensity(-2212, Feeddown::StabilityFlag)) / pow(T, 3) / pow(xMath::GeVtoifm(), 3);
double chi1k = (model->GetDensity(321, Feeddown::StabilityFlag) - model->GetDensity(-321, Feeddown::StabilityFlag)) / pow(T, 3) / pow(xMath::GeVtoifm(), 3);
double chi2B = model->Susc(ConservedCharge::BaryonCharge, ConservedCharge::BaryonCharge);
double chi2Q = model->Susc(ConservedCharge::ElectricCharge, ConservedCharge::ElectricCharge);
double chi2S = model->Susc(ConservedCharge::StrangenessCharge, ConservedCharge::StrangenessCharge);
double chi11BS = model->Susc(ConservedCharge::BaryonCharge, ConservedCharge::StrangenessCharge);
double chi11QS = model->Susc(ConservedCharge::ElectricCharge, ConservedCharge::StrangenessCharge);
double chi11BQ = model->Susc(ConservedCharge::ElectricCharge, ConservedCharge::BaryonCharge);
double chi2p = model->ProxySusc(ConservedCharge::BaryonCharge, ConservedCharge::BaryonCharge);
double chi2k = model->ProxySusc(ConservedCharge::StrangenessCharge, ConservedCharge::StrangenessCharge);
double chi11pk = model->ProxySusc(ConservedCharge::BaryonCharge, ConservedCharge::StrangenessCharge);
double chi11Qk = model->ProxySusc(ConservedCharge::ElectricCharge, ConservedCharge::StrangenessCharge);
double chi11pQ = model->ProxySusc(ConservedCharge::ElectricCharge, ConservedCharge::BaryonCharge);
double chi2kav = CalculateAveragedDecaysChi2(model, coefsk, coefsk);
chi11BS / chi2S,
chi11QS / chi2S,
chi11BQ / chi2B,
chi11pk / chi2k,
chi11Qk / chi2k,
chi11pQ / chi2p);
fprintf(f, "%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf\n",
T * 1.e3,
muB * 1.e3,
muqp * 1.e3,
musp * 1.e3,
chi2k / chi1k,
chi11BS / chi2S,
chi11pk / chi2k,
chi11QS / chi2S,
chi11Qk / chi2k,
chi11BQ / chi2B,
chi11pQ / chi2p,
chi2kav / chi1k);
double wt2 = get_wall_time();
printf("%30s %lf s\n", "Running time:", (wt2 - wt1));
printf("%30s %lf s\n", "Time per single calculation:", (wt2 - wt1) / iters);
if (!withMonteCarlo)
return 0;
printf("Monte Carlo\n");
f = fopen("cpc4.montecarlo.dat", "w");
fprintf(f, "%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s\n",
// Now Monte Carlo
iters = 0;
wt1 = get_wall_time();
for (size_t ind = 0; ind < ens.size(); ind++) {
double mc_B = 0., mc_Q = 0., mc_S = 0., mc_p = 0., mc_k = 0.;
double mc_B2 = 0., mc_Q2 = 0., mc_S2 = 0., mc_BQ = 0., mc_QS = 0., mc_BS = 0.;
double mc_p2 = 0., mc_k2 = 0., mc_pk = 0., mc_pQ = 0., mc_Qk = 0.;
// Setup the configuration for event generator
config.fEnsemble = EventGeneratorConfiguration::GCE;
config.fModelType = EventGeneratorConfiguration::PointParticle;
config.CFOParameters = model->Parameters();
SphericalBlastWaveEventGenerator generator(model->TPS(), config, 0.100, 0.5);
double wsum = 0.;
for (int i = 0; i < nevents; ++i) {
SimpleEvent ev = generator.GetEvent();
int mcev_B = 0, mcev_Q = 0, mcev_S = 0, mcev_p = 0, mcev_k = 0;
for (size_t part = 0; part < ev.Particles.size(); ++part) {
long long pdgid = ev.Particles[part].PDGID;
const ThermalParticle &thermpart = parts.ParticleByPDG(pdgid);
mcev_B += thermpart.BaryonCharge();
mcev_Q += thermpart.ElectricCharge();
mcev_S += thermpart.Strangeness();
if (pdgid == 2212)
mcev_p += 1;
else if (pdgid == -2212)
mcev_p += (-1);
if (pdgid == 321)
mcev_k += 1;
else if (pdgid == -321)
mcev_k += (-1);
mc_B += ev.weight * mcev_B;
mc_Q += ev.weight * mcev_Q;
mc_S += ev.weight * mcev_S;
mc_p += ev.weight * mcev_p;
mc_k += ev.weight * mcev_k;
mc_B2 += ev.weight * mcev_B * mcev_B;
mc_Q2 += ev.weight * mcev_Q * mcev_Q;
mc_S2 += ev.weight * mcev_S * mcev_S;
mc_p2 += ev.weight * mcev_p * mcev_p;
mc_k2 += ev.weight * mcev_k * mcev_k;
mc_BQ += ev.weight * mcev_B * mcev_Q;
mc_QS += ev.weight * mcev_Q * mcev_S;
mc_BS += ev.weight * mcev_B * mcev_S;
mc_pQ += ev.weight * mcev_p * mcev_Q;
mc_pk += ev.weight * mcev_p * mcev_k;
mc_Qk += ev.weight * mcev_Q * mcev_k;
wsum += ev.weight;
double chi1B = mc_B / wsum;
double chi1Q = mc_Q / wsum;
double chi1S = mc_S / wsum;
double chi1p = mc_p / wsum;
double chi1k = mc_k / wsum;
double chi2B = mc_B2 / wsum - mc_B / wsum * mc_B / wsum;
double chi2Q = mc_Q2 / wsum - mc_Q / wsum * mc_Q / wsum;
double chi2S = mc_S2 / wsum - mc_S / wsum * mc_S / wsum;
double chi11BS = mc_BS / wsum - mc_B / wsum * mc_S / wsum;
double chi11QS = mc_QS / wsum - mc_Q / wsum * mc_S / wsum;
double chi11BQ = mc_BQ / wsum - mc_B / wsum * mc_Q / wsum;
double chi2p = mc_p2 / wsum - mc_p / wsum * mc_p / wsum;
double chi2k = mc_k2 / wsum - mc_k / wsum * mc_k / wsum;
double chi11pk = mc_pk / wsum - mc_p / wsum * mc_k / wsum;
double chi11Qk = mc_Qk / wsum - mc_Q / wsum * mc_k / wsum;
double chi11pQ = mc_pQ / wsum - mc_p / wsum * mc_Q / wsum;
printf("%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf\n", ens[ind], chi11BS / chi2S, chi11QS / chi2S, chi11BQ / chi2B, chi11pk / chi2k, chi11Qk / chi2k, chi11pQ / chi2p);
fprintf(f, "%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf\n",
Ts[ind] * 1.e3,
muBs[ind] * 1.e3,
muQs[ind] * 1.e3,
muSs[ind] * 1.e3,
chi2k / chi1k,
chi11BS / chi2S,
chi11pk / chi2k,
chi11QS / chi2S,
chi11Qk / chi2k,
chi11BQ / chi2B,
chi11pQ / chi2p);
wt2 = get_wall_time();
printf("%30s %lf s\n", "Running time:", (wt2 - wt1));
printf("%30s %lf s\n", "Time per single calculation:", (wt2 - wt1) / iters);
delete model;
return 0;