Thermal-FIST  1.3
Package for hadron resonance gas model applications

Calculates the temperature profile of \( \chi^2 \) of a fit to the ALICE 2.76 TeV data, 0-5% centrality, as in 1512.08046

Calculations can be done within four variants of the HRG model:


1 cpc2chi2 <config>
#include <string.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdio>
#include "HRGBase.h"
#include "HRGEV.h"
#include "HRGFit.h"
#include "HRGVDW.h"
#include "ThermalFISTConfig.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace thermalfist;
// Temperature dependence of the fit to ALICE 2.76 TeV data, 0-5% centrality, as in 1512.08046
// Four variants of HRG model:
// 1. Ideal HRG: <config> = 0
// 2. Diagonal EV-HRG with bag model parametrization r = r_p * (m/m_p)^1/3, where r_p = 0.5 is proton radius parameter (as in 1512.08046): <config> = 1
// 3. Diagonal EV-HRG with constant radius parameter r = 0.3 fm for all baryons and r = 0 for all mesons (as in 1201.0693): <config> = 2
// 4. QvdW-HRG with a and b for baryons only, fixed to nuclear ground state (as in 1609.03975): <config> = 3
// Usage: cpc1HRGTDep <config>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// Particle list file
// Here we will use the list from THERMUS-2.3, for comparing the results with THERMUS-2.3
string listname = string(ThermalFIST_INPUT_FOLDER) + "/list/thermus23/list.dat";
// Alternative: use the default PDG2014 list
//string listname = string(ThermalFIST_INPUT_FOLDER) + "/list/PDG2014/list.dat";
// Create the hadron list instance and read the list from file
ThermalParticleSystem TPS(listname);
// Which variant of the HRG model to use
int config = 0;
// Read config from command line
if (argc > 1)
config = atoi(argv[1]);
string modeltype; // For output
// Pointer to the thermal model instance used in calculations
if (config == 0) // Ideal HRG
model = new ThermalModelIdeal(&TPS);
printf("#Fitting 2.76 TeV ALICE data at \\mu = 0 in Id-HRG model\n");
modeltype = "Id-HRG";
else if (config == 1) // EV-HRG, r = 0.3 fm for baryons, r = 0 for mesons, no light nuclei, as in 1512.08046
model = new ThermalModelEVDiagonal(&TPS);
double rad = 0.3;
for (int i = 0; i < model->TPS()->ComponentsNumber(); ++i) {
if (model->TPS()->Particle(i).BaryonCharge() == 0) model->SetRadius(i, 0.);
else model->SetRadius(i, rad);
printf("#Fitting 2.76 TeV ALICE data at \\mu = 0 in EV-HRG model with r = %lf fm for baryons, and r = 0 for mesons\n", rad);
modeltype = "EV-HRG-TwoComponent";
else if (config == 2) // EV-HRG, Bag Model with r_p = 0.5 fm, as in 1512.08046
model = new ThermalModelEVDiagonal(&TPS);
double radProton = 0.5;
for (int i = 0; i < model->TPS()->ComponentsNumber(); ++i) {
model->SetRadius(i, radProton * pow(model->TPS()->Particle(i).Mass() / 0.938, 1/3.));
printf("#Fitting 2.76 TeV ALICE data at \\mu = 0 in Bag Model EV-HRG model with proton r = %lf fm\n", radProton);
modeltype = "EV-HRG-BagModel";
else if (config == 3) // QvdW-HRG, to reproduce 1609.03975
model = new ThermalModelVDWFull(&TPS);
// vdW parameters, for baryon-baryon, antibaryon-antibaryon ONLY, otherwise zero
double a = 0.329; // In GeV*fm3
double b = 3.42; // In fm3
// Iterate over all pairs of hadron species and set a and b
for (int i = 0; i < model->TPS()->ComponentsNumber(); ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < model->TPS()->ComponentsNumber(); ++j) {
int B1 = model->TPS()->Particle(i).BaryonCharge(); // Baryon number of 1st species
int B2 = model->TPS()->Particle(j).BaryonCharge(); // Baryon number of 2nd species
if ((B1 > 0 && B2 > 0) || (B1 < 0 && B2 < 0)) // baryon-baryon or antibaryon-antibaryon
model->SetAttraction(i, j, a); // Set QvdW repulsion
model->SetVirial(i, j, b); // Set QvdW attraction
else // no vdW interactions for meson-meson, meson-baryon or baryon-anitbaryon pairs
model->SetAttraction(i, j, 0.);
model->SetVirial(i, j, 0.);
printf("#Fitting 2.76 TeV ALICE data at \\mu = 0 in QvdW-HRG model\n");
modeltype = "QvdW-HRG";
else // Ideal HRG by default
model = new ThermalModelIdeal(&TPS);
modeltype = "Id-HRG";
// Use quantum statistics
// Use mass integration over Breit-Wigner shapes in +-2Gamma interval, as in THERMUS
// Set chemical potentials to zero
// Prepare fitter
ThermalModelFit fitter(model);
// By default T, muB, and R parameters are fitted, while others (gammaS etc.) are fixed
// Initial parameters values are taken from those currently set in the ThermalModel object
// Here we do not fit muB, which is set to zero above
fitter.SetParameterFitFlag("muB", false); // Do not fit muB
// R is fitted by default
// We can still specify the initial value, the initial delta used by minuit,
// and the lower and upper limits using the SetParameter function
double Rinit = 10.0;
double Rdelta = 1.0;
double Rmin = 0.0;
double Rmax = 30.0;
fitter.SetParameter("R", Rinit, Rdelta, Rmin, Rmax);
// Load the experimental data
vector<FittedQuantity> quantities = ThermalModelFit::loadExpDataFromFile(string(ThermalFIST_INPUT_FOLDER) + "/data/ALICE-PbPb2.76TeV-0-5-1512.08046.dat");
"T[MeV]", // Temperature in MeV
"R[fm]", // System radius in fm
"chi2", // chi_2
"chi2_dof" // Reduced chi2
// Prepare for output to file
char tmpc[1000];
sprintf(tmpc, "cpc2.%s.ALICE2_76.chi2.TDep.out", modeltype.c_str());
FILE *fout = fopen(tmpc, "w");
fprintf(fout, "%15s%15s%15s%15s\n",
"T[MeV]", // Temperature in MeV
"R[fm]", // System radius in fm
"chi2", // chi_2
"chi2_dof" // Reduced chi2
double wt1 = get_wall_time(); // Timing
int iters = 0; // Number of data points
// Temperature interval, in GeV
double Tmin = 0.100;
double Tmax = 0.2501;
double dT = 0.002;
if (config == 0)
dT = 0.001;
if (config == 2) {
dT = 0.005;
Tmax = 0.4001;
for (double T = Tmin; T <= Tmax; T += dT) {
// We also do not fit T, but fix it at each iteration to a given value
fitter.SetParameterFitFlag("T", false);
fitter.SetParameterValue("T", T); // Set the temperature
ThermalModelFitParameters result = fitter.PerformFit(false); // We still have to fit the radius, the argument suppresses the output during minimization
double Rfit = result.R.value;
double chi2 = result.chi2;
double chi2dof = result.chi2ndf;
printf("%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf\n", T * 1000., Rfit, chi2, chi2 / (result.ndf - 1.));
fprintf(fout, "%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf\n", T * 1000., Rfit, chi2, chi2 / (result.ndf - 1.));
delete model;
double wt2 = get_wall_time();
printf("%30s %lf s\n", "Running time:", (wt2 - wt1));
printf("%30s %lf s\n", "Time per single calculation:", (wt2 - wt1) / iters);
return 0;