Thermal-FIST  1.3
Package for hadron resonance gas model applications

Calculates the temperature dependence of HRG thermodynamics at zero chemical potentials.

The calculated quantities include scaled pressure, scaled energy density, scaled entropy density, the 2nd and 4th order baryon number susceptibilities.

Calculations can be done within three different models:


1 cpc1HRGTDep <config>
#include <string.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdio>
#include "HRGBase.h"
#include "HRGEV.h"
#include "HRGFit.h"
#include "HRGVDW.h"
#include "ThermalFISTConfig.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace thermalfist;
// Temperature dependence of HRG thermodynamics at \mu = 0
// Three variants of the HRG model:
// 1. Ideal HRG: <config> = 0
// 2. EV-HRG with constant radius parameter r = 0.3 fm for all hadrons (as in 1412.5478): <config> = 1
// 3. QvdW-HRG with a and b for baryons only, fixed to nuclear ground state (as in 1609.03975): <config> = 2
// Usage: cpc1HRGTDep <config>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// Particle list file
// Here we will use the list from THERMUS-2.3, for comparing the results with THERMUS-2.3
string listname = string(ThermalFIST_INPUT_FOLDER) + "/list/thermus23/list.dat";
// Alternative: use the default PDG2014 list
//string listname = string(ThermalFIST_INPUT_FOLDER) + "/list/PDG2014/list.dat";
// Create the hadron list instance and read the list from file
ThermalParticleSystem TPS(listname);
// Which variant of the HRG model to use
int config = 0;
// Read config from command line
if (argc > 1)
config = atoi(argv[1]);
string modeltype; // For output
// Pointer to the thermal model instance used in calculations
if (config == 0) // Ideal HRG
model = new ThermalModelIdeal(&TPS);
printf("#Calculating thermodynamics at \\mu = 0 in Id-HRG model\n");
modeltype = "Id-HRG";
else if (config == 1) // EV-HRG, r = 0.3 fm, to reproduce 1412.5478
model = new ThermalModelEVDiagonal(&TPS);
// Set r = 0.3 fm for each hadron in the list
double rad = 0.3;
for (int i = 0; i < model->TPS()->ComponentsNumber(); ++i)
model->SetRadius(i, rad);
printf("#Calculating thermodynamics at \\mu = 0 in EV-HRG model with r = %lf fm\n", rad);
modeltype = "EV-HRG";
else if (config == 2) // QvdW-HRG, to reproduce 1609.03975
model = new ThermalModelVDWFull(&TPS);
// vdW parameters, for baryon-baryon, antibaryon-antibaryon ONLY, otherwise zero
double a = 0.329; // In GeV*fm3
double b = 3.42; // In fm3
// Iterate over all pairs of hadron species and set a and b
for (int i = 0; i < model->TPS()->ComponentsNumber(); ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < model->TPS()->ComponentsNumber(); ++j) {
int B1 = model->TPS()->Particle(i).BaryonCharge(); // Baryon number of 1st species
int B2 = model->TPS()->Particle(j).BaryonCharge(); // Baryon number of 2nd species
if ((B1 > 0 && B2 > 0) || (B1 < 0 && B2 < 0)) // baryon-baryon or antibaryon-antibaryon
model->SetAttraction(i, j, a); // Set QvdW repulsion
model->SetVirial(i, j, b); // Set QvdW attraction
else // no vdW interactions for meson-meson, meson-baryon or baryon-anitbaryon pairs
model->SetAttraction(i, j, 0.);
model->SetVirial(i, j, 0.);
printf("#Calculating thermodynamics at \\mu = 0 in QvdW-HRG model\n");
modeltype = "QvdW-HRG";
else // Ideal HRG by default
model = new ThermalModelIdeal(&TPS);
modeltype = "Id-HRG";
// Use quantum statistics
// Use mass integration over Breit-Wigner shapes in +-2Gamma interval, as in THERMUS
// Set chemical potentials to zero
// Prepare output
char tmpc[1000];
sprintf(tmpc, "cpc1.%s.TDep.out", modeltype.c_str());
FILE *fout = fopen(tmpc, "w");
// Output to screen
"T[MeV]", // Temperature
"p/T^4", // Scaled pressure
"e/T^4", // Scaled energy density
"s/T^3", // Scaled entropy density
"chi2B", // Baryon number susceptibility
"chi4B", // 4th order baryon cumulant
"chi2B-chi4B" // Difference of 2nd and 4th order baryon susceptibilities
// Output to file
fprintf(fout, "%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s\n",
"T[MeV]", // Temperature
"p/T^4", // Scaled pressure
"e/T^4", // Scaled energy density
"s/T^3", // Scaled entropy density
"chi2B", // Baryon number susceptibility
"chi4B", // 4th order baryon cumulant
"chi2B-chi4B" // Difference of 2nd and 4th order baryon susceptibilities
double wt1 = get_wall_time(); // Timing
int iters = 0; // Number of data points
// Temperature interval, in GeV
double Tmin = 0.020;
double Tmax = 0.2001;
double dT = 0.001;
for (double T = Tmin; T <= Tmax; T += dT) {
// Calculates densities, solves all necessary transcendental equations, if necessary
// Output temperature, scale to get the unit of MeV
printf("%15lf", T * 1000.);
fprintf(fout, "%15lf", T * 1000.);
// Pressure, in [GeV/fm3]
double p = model->CalculatePressure();
// Scaled pressure, pow(xMath::GeVtoifm(), 3) needed to make it dimensionless
double pT4 = p / pow(T, 4) / pow(xMath::GeVtoifm(), 3);
printf("%15lf", pT4);
fprintf(fout, "%15lf", pT4);
// Energy density
double e = model->CalculateEnergyDensity();
double eT4 = e / pow(T, 4) / pow(xMath::GeVtoifm(), 3);
printf("%15lf", eT4);
fprintf(fout, "%15lf", eT4);
// Entropy density
double s = model->CalculateEntropyDensity();
double sT3 = s / pow(T, 3) / pow(xMath::GeVtoifm(), 3);
printf("%15lf", sT3);
fprintf(fout, "%15lf", sT3);
// Baryon number fluctuations
// Vector containing baryon charge of each species
vector<double> baryon_charges;
for (int i = 0; i < model->TPS()->ComponentsNumber(); ++i) {
// Calculate baryon number cumulants up to 4th order
vector<double> chiB = model->CalculateChargeFluctuations(baryon_charges, 4);
if (chiB.size() >= 4) {
// chi2B
printf("%15E", chiB[1]);
fprintf(fout, "%15E", chiB[1]);
// chi4B
printf("%15E", chiB[3]);
fprintf(fout, "%15E", chiB[3]);
// chi2B - chi4B
printf("%15E", chiB[1] - chiB[3]);
fprintf(fout, "%15E", chiB[1] - chiB[3]);
fprintf(fout, "\n");
delete model;
double wt2 = get_wall_time();
printf("%30s %lf s\n", "Running time:", (wt2 - wt1));
printf("%30s %lf s\n", "Time per single calculation:", (wt2 - wt1) / iters);
return 0;