Calculates the particle densities in a grand-canonical ensemble.
Abstract base class for an HRG model implementation.
virtual void CalculatePrimordialDensities()
Calculates the primordial densities of all species.
virtual void SetStatistics(bool stats)
virtual double ParticleScalarDensity(int)
The scalar density of the particle species i.
std::map< int, int > m_StrMap
virtual void FixParameters()
Method which actually implements ConstrainChemicalPotentials() (for backward compatibility).
virtual bool IsConservedChargeCanonical(ConservedCharge::Name charge) const
Whether the given conserved charge is treated canonically.
virtual void ChangeTPS(ThermalParticleSystem *TPS)
Change the particle list.
void CalculateFluctuations()
Dummy function. Fluctuations not yet supported.
virtual void CalculatePressuresGCE()
Calculates the grand-canonical pressures.
Class implementing the ideal HRG model with exact conservation of strangeness (strangeness-canonical ...
Class containing the particle list.
Structure containing all thermal parameters of the model.
std::vector< double > m_pressuresGCE
std::vector< double > m_energydensitiesGCE
virtual double ParticleScaledVariance(int)
Scaled variance of primordial particle number fluctuations for species i.
std::vector< int > m_StrVals
virtual double CalculateBaryonMatterEntropyDensity()
The fraction of entropy carried by baryons (Ideal GCE only)
std::vector< double > m_partialS
virtual void CalculateSums(double Vc)
Calculates the strangeness-canonical partition functions.
Set of all conserved charges considered.
std::vector< double > m_Zsum
virtual void SetStrangenessChemicalPotential(double muS)
Override the base class method to always set to zero.
virtual ~ThermalModelCanonicalStrangeness(void)
Destroy the ThermalModelCanonicalStrangeness object.
virtual void SetParameters(const ThermalModelParameters ¶ms)
The thermal parameters.
virtual void CalculateEnergyDensitiesGCE()
Calculates the grand-canonical energy densities.
ThermalModelCanonicalStrangeness(ThermalParticleSystem *TPS, const ThermalModelParameters ¶ms=ThermalModelParameters())
Construct a new ThermalModelCanonicalStrangeness object.
virtual double CalculatePressure()
Implementation of the equation of state functions.
virtual double CalculateEnergyDensity()
virtual double CalculateMesonMatterEntropyDensity()
The fraction of entropy carried by mesons (Ideal GCE only)
std::vector< double > m_densitiesGCE
The main namespace where all classes and functions of the Thermal-FIST library reside.
const std::vector< double > & DensitiesGCE() const
A vector of the grand-canonical particle number densities.
virtual double CalculateEntropyDensity()
ThermalParticleSystem * TPS()