Thermal-FIST  1.3
Package for hadron resonance gas model applications
Namespaces | Functions | Variables
ParticleDecaysMC.h File Reference
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include "HRGEventGenerator/SimpleParticle.h"

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 The main namespace where all classes and functions of the Thermal-FIST library reside.
 Contains functions for Monte Carlo generation of decays.


double thermalfist::ParticleDecaysMC::ThreeBodym12F2 (double m12, double M, double m1, double m2, double m3)
 Square of the \(m_{12}\) probability density function used in a three-body decay (unnormalized) More...
double thermalfist::ParticleDecaysMC::TernaryThreeBodym12Maximum (double M, double m1, double m2, double m3)
 Determines the maximum of the \(m_{12}\) probability density function used in a three-body decay. More...
double thermalfist::ParticleDecaysMC::GetRandomThreeBodym12 (double M, double m1, double m2, double m3, double fm12max)
 Sample the invariant mass \(m_{12}\) of the leading two daughter particles in a three-body decay. More...
SimpleParticle thermalfist::ParticleDecaysMC::LorentzBoost (const SimpleParticle &part, double vx, double vy, double vz)
 Lorentz boost of the 4-momentum of a particle. More...
std::vector< SimpleParticle > thermalfist::ParticleDecaysMC::TwoBodyDecay (const SimpleParticle &Mother, double m1, long long pdg1, double m2, long long pdg2)
 Samples the decay products of a two-body decay. More...
std::vector< SimpleParticle > thermalfist::ParticleDecaysMC::ManyBodyDecay (const SimpleParticle &Mother, std::vector< double > masses, std::vector< long long > pdgs)
 Samples the decay products of a many-body decay. More...
void thermalfist::ParticleDecaysMC::ShuffleDecayProducts (std::vector< double > &masses, std::vector< long long > &pdgs)
 Shuffles the decay products. More...


int thermalfist::ParticleDecaysMC::threebodysucc = 0
 Used for debugging the succes rate in the rejection sampling of \(m_{12}\). More...
int thermalfist::ParticleDecaysMC::threebodytot = 0