Thermal-FIST  1.3
Package for hadron resonance gas model applications
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Thermal-FIST package
3  *
4  * Copyright (c) 2015-2019 Volodymyr Vovchenko
5  *
6  * GNU General Public License (GPLv3 or later)
7  */
10 #include <vector>
11 #include <iostream>
13 #include "HRGBase/xMath.h"
16 namespace thermalfist {
19  m_Norm = 1.;
20  double tmp = 0.;
23  for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
24  tmp += m_wlag[i] * dndp(m_xlag[i] * m_T);
25  }
26  tmp *= m_T;
27  m_Norm = 1. / tmp;
29  m_Normalized = true;
30  }
32  double SiemensRasmussenDistribution::dndp(double p) const {
33  double alphap = alpha(p);
34  double alphamn = 1.;
35  if (alphap != 0.0)
36  alphamn = sinh(alpha(p)) / alpha(p);
37  return m_Norm * p * p * exp(-m_Gamma * w(p) / m_T) * ((1. + m_T / m_Gamma / w(p))*alphamn - m_T / m_Gamma / w(p)*cosh(alpha(p)));
38  }
40  double SiemensRasmussenDistribution::dndy(double y) const {
41  std::vector<double> x, w;
43  double ret = 0.;
44  for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
45  double tpt = x[i] * m_T;
46  double tmt = sqrt(m_Mass*m_Mass + tpt * tpt);
47  double tpz = tmt * sinh(y);
48  double tp = sqrt(tpt*tpt + tpz * tpz);
49  double ten = tmt * cosh(y);
51  double alphap = alpha(tp);
52  double alphamn = 1.;
53  if (alphap != 0.0)
54  alphamn = sinh(alpha(tp)) / alpha(tp);
56  double tadd = w[i] * ten * tpt * exp(-m_Gamma * ten / m_T) * ((1. + m_T / m_Gamma / ten)*alphamn - m_T / m_Gamma / ten * cosh(alpha(tp)));
57  if (tadd != tadd) break;
58  ret += tadd;
59  }
60  return m_T * m_Norm / 2. * ret;
61  }
63  double SiemensRasmussenDistribution::dnmtdmt(double mt) const {
64  std::vector<double> x, w;
66  double ret = 0.;
67  for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
68  double ty = x[i];
69  double tmt = mt;
70  double tpt = sqrt(tmt*tmt - m_Mass * m_Mass);
71  double tpz = tmt * sinh(ty);
72  double tp = sqrt(tpt*tpt + tpz * tpz);
73  double ten = tmt * cosh(ty);
75  double alphap = alpha(tp);
76  double alphamn = 1.;
77  if (alphap != 0.0)
78  alphamn = sinh(alpha(tp)) / alpha(tp);
80  double tadd = w[i] * ten * exp(-m_Gamma * ten / m_T) * ((1. + m_T / m_Gamma / ten)*alphamn - m_T / m_Gamma / ten * cosh(alpha(tp)));
81  if (tadd != tadd) break;
82  ret += tadd;
83  }
84  return m_Norm / 2. * ret;
85  }
87  double SiemensRasmussenDistribution::PAv() const {
88  if (!m_useacc) {
89  double tmp1 = 0., tmp2 = 0.;
90  for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
91  double tmp = m_wlag[i] * dndp(m_xlag[i] * m_T);
92  tmp1 += tmp * m_xlag[i] * m_T;
93  tmp2 += tmp;
94  }
95  return tmp1 / tmp2;
96  }
97  else {
98  std::vector<double> xy, wy;
100  std::vector<double> xpt, wpt;
102  double tmp1 = 0., tmp2 = 0.;
103  for (size_t iy = 0; iy < xy.size(); ++iy) {
104  double ty = xy[iy];
105  for (size_t ipt = 0; ipt < xpt.size(); ++ipt) {
106  double tpt = xpt[ipt] * m_T;
107  double tmp = wy[iy] * wpt[ipt] * d2ndptdy(tpt, ty);
108  if (tmp <= 0. || tmp != tmp) continue;
109  double tmt = sqrt(tpt*tpt + m_Mass * m_Mass);
110  double tpz = tmt * sinh(ty);
111  double tp = sqrt(tpt*tpt + tpz * tpz);
112  tmp1 += tmp * tp;
113  tmp2 += tmp;
114  }
115  }
116  return tmp1 / tmp2;
117  }
118  }
121  double SiemensRasmussenDistribution::d2ndptdy(double pt, double y) const {
122  double tpt = pt, ty = y;
123  double tmt = sqrt(m_Mass*m_Mass + tpt * tpt);
124  double tpz = tmt * sinh(ty);
125  double tp = sqrt(tpt*tpt + tpz * tpz);
126  double ten = tmt * cosh(ty);
128  double alphap = alpha(tp);
129  double alphamn = 1.;
130  if (alphap != 0.0)
131  alphamn = sinh(alpha(tp)) / alpha(tp);
133  double ret = m_Norm / 2. * ten * tpt * exp(-m_Gamma * ten / m_T) * ((1. + m_T / m_Gamma / ten)*alphamn - m_T / m_Gamma / ten * cosh(alpha(tp)));
134  if (!m_useacc) return ret;
135  else return ret * m_acc->getAcceptance(y + m_ycm, pt);
136  }
141  {
142  if (m_FreezeoutModel != NULL) {
143  delete m_FreezeoutModel;
144  }
145  }
148  {
149  m_Norm = m_NormY = m_NormPt = 1.;
150  double tmp = 0.;
152  Initialize();
154  tmp = 0.;
155  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_xlag.size(); i++) {
156  tmp += m_wlag[i] * dndpt(m_xlag[i] * m_T);
157  }
158  tmp *= m_T;
159  m_NormPt = 1. / tmp;
162  m_dndy.clearall();
163  m_dndy.add_val(-100., 0.);
164  m_dndyint.clearall();
165  m_dndyint.add_val(-100., 0.);
166  double dy = 0.05;
167  double tmp2 = 0.;
168  for (double yy = -4.; yy < 4.; yy += dy) {
169  tmp = 0.;
170  for (size_t j = 0; j < m_xlag.size(); j++) {
171  tmp += m_wlag[j] * dndptsingle(m_xlag[j] * m_T, yy) * m_T;
172  }
173  tmp2 += tmp * dy;
174  m_dndy.add_val(yy, tmp);
175  m_dndyint.add_val(yy + 0.5 * dy, tmp2);
176  }
177  m_dndy.add_val(100., 0.);
178  m_dndyint.add_val(100., tmp2);
179  tmp = 0.;
180  m_NormY = m_Norm = 1. / tmp2;
182  if (m_xlegeta.size() > 1) {
183  m_NormY *= 1. / 2. / m_EtaMax;
184  m_Norm *= 1. / 2. / m_EtaMax;
185  }
187  m_Normalized = true;
188  }
190  double BoostInvariantMomentumDistribution::ZetaIntegrandpT(double zeta, double pt) const
191  {
192  double R = m_FreezeoutModel->Rfunc(zeta);
193  double tau = m_FreezeoutModel->taufunc(zeta);
194  double dRdZeta = m_FreezeoutModel->dRdZeta(zeta);
195  double dTaudZeta = m_FreezeoutModel->dtaudZeta(zeta);
196  double mT = sqrt(m_Mass * m_Mass + pt * pt);
197  double coshetaperp = m_FreezeoutModel->coshetaperp(zeta);
198  double sinhetaperp = m_FreezeoutModel->sinhetaperp(zeta);
200  return R * tau * (mT * dRdZeta * xMath::BesselK1(mT * coshetaperp / m_T) * xMath::BesselI0(pt * sinhetaperp / m_T)
201  - pt * dTaudZeta * xMath::BesselK0(mT * coshetaperp / m_T) * xMath::BesselI1(pt * sinhetaperp / m_T));
202  }
205  {
206  if (m_xlegeta.size() > 1)
207  return (m_dndyint.f(m_EtaMax + y) - m_dndyint.f(-m_EtaMax + y)) * m_NormY;
208  else
209  return m_dndy.f(y) * m_NormY;
210  }
213  {
214  double ret = 0.;
215  double pt = sqrt(mt * mt - m_Mass * m_Mass);
216  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_xlegT.size(); i++) {
217  double tmp = m_wlegT[i] * ZetaIntegrandpT(m_xlegT[i], pt);
218  if (tmp != tmp) break;
219  ret += tmp;
220  }
221  return ret * m_NormPt;
222  }
224  double BoostInvariantMomentumDistribution::d2ndptdy(double pt, double y) const
225  {
226  double ret = 0.;
227  double mt = sqrt(pt * pt + m_Mass * m_Mass);
229  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_xlegeta.size(); i++) {
230  for (size_t j = 0; j < m_xlegT.size(); j++) {
231  double tmp = m_wlegeta[i] * m_wlegT[j] * ZetaIntegrandpTYSingleFireball(m_xlegeta[i], pt, y - m_xlegeta[i]);
232  ret += tmp;
233  }
234  }
236  if (!m_useacc) return ret * m_Norm * pt;
237  else return ret * m_Norm * pt * m_acc->getAcceptance(y + m_ycm, pt);
238  }
240  double BoostInvariantMomentumDistribution::ZetaIntegrandpTYSingleFireball(double zeta, double pt, double y) const
241  {
242  double R = m_FreezeoutModel->Rfunc(zeta);
243  double tau = m_FreezeoutModel->taufunc(zeta);
244  double dRdZeta = m_FreezeoutModel->dRdZeta(zeta);
245  double dTaudZeta = m_FreezeoutModel->dtaudZeta(zeta);
246  double mT = sqrt(m_Mass * m_Mass + pt * pt);
247  double coshetaperp = m_FreezeoutModel->coshetaperp(zeta);
248  double sinhetaperp = m_FreezeoutModel->sinhetaperp(zeta);
250  return R * tau * (mT * dRdZeta * cosh(y) * xMath::BesselI0(pt * sinhetaperp / m_T)
251  - pt * dTaudZeta * xMath::BesselI1(pt * sinhetaperp / m_T)) * exp(-mT * coshetaperp * cosh(y) / m_T);
252  }
254  void BoostInvariantMomentumDistribution::Initialize()
255  {
257  NumericalIntegration::GetCoefsIntegrateLegendre32(0., 1., &m_xlegT, &m_wlegT);
258  NumericalIntegration::GetCoefsIntegrateLegendre32(-4., 4., &m_xlegY, &m_wlegY);
260  if (m_EtaMax > 0.0)
261  NumericalIntegration::GetCoefsIntegrateLegendre32(-m_EtaMax, m_EtaMax, &m_xlegeta, &m_wlegeta);
262  else {
263  m_xlegeta.resize(1);
264  m_xlegeta[0] = 0.;
265  m_wlegeta.resize(1);
266  m_wlegeta[0] = 1.;
267  }
268  }
270  double BoostInvariantMomentumDistribution::dndysingle(double y) const
271  {
272  return m_dndy.f(y);
273  }
275  double BoostInvariantMomentumDistribution::dndptsingle(double pt, double y) const
276  {
277  double ret = 0.;
278  double mt = sqrt(pt * pt + m_Mass * m_Mass);
280  for (size_t j = 0; j < m_xlegT.size(); j++) {
281  double tmp = m_wlegT[j] * ZetaIntegrandpTYSingleFireball(m_xlegT[j], pt, y);
282  ret += tmp;
283  }
285  return ret * pt;
286  }
288  double BoostInvariantMomentumDistribution::dndpt(double pt, double y) const
289  {
290  double ret = 0.;
291  double mt = sqrt(pt * pt + m_Mass * m_Mass);
293  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_xlegeta.size(); i++) {
294  ret += m_wlegeta[i] * dndptsingle(pt, y - m_xlegeta[i]);
295  }
297  return ret * m_Norm * pt;
298  }
300 } // namespace thermalfist
304 // Deprecated code below
306 namespace thermalfist {
307  void SSHDistribution::Initialize() {
309  NumericalIntegration::GetCoefsIntegrateLegendre32(0., 1., &m_xlegT, &m_wlegT);
310  NumericalIntegration::GetCoefsIntegrateLegendre32(-4., 4., &m_xlegY, &m_wlegY);
312  if (m_EtaMax > 0.0)
313  NumericalIntegration::GetCoefsIntegrateLegendre32(-m_EtaMax, m_EtaMax, &m_xlegeta, &m_wlegeta);
314  else {
315  m_xlegeta.resize(1);
316  m_xlegeta[0] = 0.;
317  m_wlegeta.resize(1);
318  m_wlegeta[0] = 1.;
319  }
320  }
324  m_Norm = m_NormY = m_NormPt = 1.;
325  double tmp = 0.;
328  NumericalIntegration::GetCoefsIntegrateLegendre32(0., 1., &m_xlegT, &m_wlegT);
329  NumericalIntegration::GetCoefsIntegrateLegendre32(-4., 4., &m_xlegY, &m_wlegY);
331  if (m_EtaMax > 0.0)
332  NumericalIntegration::GetCoefsIntegrateLegendre32(-m_EtaMax, m_EtaMax, &m_xlegeta, &m_wlegeta);
333  else {
334  m_xlegeta.resize(1);
335  m_xlegeta[0] = 0.;
336  m_wlegeta.resize(1);
337  m_wlegeta[0] = 1.;
338  }
340  tmp = 0.;
341  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_xlag.size(); i++) {
342  tmp += m_wlag[i] * dndpt(m_xlag[i] * m_T);
343  }
344  tmp *= m_T;
345  m_NormPt = 1. / tmp;
348  m_dndy.clearall();
349  m_dndy.add_val(-100., 0.);
350  m_dndyint.clearall();
351  m_dndyint.add_val(-100., 0.);
352  double dy = 0.05;
353  double tmp2 = 0.;
354  for (double yy = -4.; yy < 4.; yy += dy) {
355  tmp = 0.;
356  for (size_t j = 0; j < m_xlag.size(); j++) {
357  tmp += m_wlag[j] * dndptsingle(m_xlag[j] * m_T, yy) * m_T;
358  }
359  tmp2 += tmp * dy;
360  m_dndy.add_val(yy, tmp);
361  m_dndyint.add_val(yy + 0.5 * dy, tmp2);
362  }
363  m_dndy.add_val(100., 0.);
364  m_dndyint.add_val(100., tmp2);
365  tmp = 0.;
366  m_NormY = m_Norm = 1. / tmp2;
368  if (m_xlegeta.size() > 1) {
369  m_NormY *= 1. / 2. / m_EtaMax;
370  m_Norm *= 1. / 2. / m_EtaMax;
371  }
373  m_Normalized = true;
374  }
378  double SSHDistribution::dndy(double y) const {
379  if (m_xlegeta.size() > 1)
380  return (m_dndyint.f(m_EtaMax + y) - m_dndyint.f(-m_EtaMax + y)) * m_NormY;
381  else
382  return m_dndy.f(y) * m_NormY;
383  }
385  double SSHDistribution::dndysingle(double y) const {
386  return m_dndy.f(y);
387  }
389  double SSHDistribution::dnmtdmt(double mt) const {
390  double ret = 0.;
391  double pt = sqrt(mt * mt - m_Mass * m_Mass);
392  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_xlegT.size(); i++) {
393  double tmp = m_wlegT[i] * m_xlegT[i] * mt * xMath::BesselI0(pt * sinh(rho(m_xlegT[i])) / m_T) * xMath::BesselK1(mt * cosh(rho(m_xlegT[i])) / m_T);
394  if (tmp != tmp) break;
395  ret += tmp;
396  }
397  return ret * m_NormPt;
398  }
400  double SSHDistribution::dndy(double y, double pt) const {
401  double ret = 0.;
402  double mt = sqrt(pt * pt + m_Mass * m_Mass);
404  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_xlegeta.size(); i++) {
405  for (size_t j = 0; j < m_xlegT.size(); j++) {
406  double tmp = mt * m_wlegeta[i] * m_wlegT[j] * cosh(y - m_xlegeta[i]) * m_xlegT[j] * exp(-mt * cosh(rho(m_xlegT[j])) * cosh(y - m_xlegeta[i]) / m_T) *
407  xMath::BesselI0(pt * sinh(rho(m_xlegT[j])) / m_T);
408  ret += tmp;
409  }
410  }
412  return ret * m_Norm;
413  }
415  double SSHDistribution::dndysingle(double y, double pt) const {
416  double ret = 0.;
417  double mt = sqrt(pt * pt + m_Mass * m_Mass);
419  for (size_t j = 0; j < m_xlegT.size(); j++) {
420  double tmp = mt * m_wlegT[j] * cosh(y) * m_xlegT[j] * exp(-mt * cosh(rho(m_xlegT[j])) * cosh(y) / m_T) *
421  xMath::BesselI0(pt * sinh(rho(m_xlegT[j])) / m_T);
422  ret += tmp;
423  }
425  return ret;
426  }
428  double SSHDistribution::dndpt(double pt) const {
429  return pt * dnmtdmt(sqrt(pt * pt + m_Mass * m_Mass));
430  }
432  double SSHDistribution::dndpt(double pt, double y) const {
433  double ret = 0.;
434  double mt = sqrt(pt * pt + m_Mass * m_Mass);
436  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_xlegeta.size(); i++) {
437  for (size_t j = 0; j < m_xlegT.size(); j++) {
438  double tmp = mt * m_wlegeta[i] * m_wlegT[j] * cosh(y - m_xlegeta[i]) * m_xlegT[j] * exp(-mt * cosh(rho(m_xlegT[j])) * cosh(y - m_xlegeta[i]) / m_T) *
439  xMath::BesselI0(pt * sinh(rho(m_xlegT[j])) / m_T);
440  ret += tmp;
441  }
442  }
444  return ret * m_Norm * pt;
445  }
447  double SSHDistribution::dndptsingle(double pt, double y) const {
448  double ret = 0.;
449  double mt = sqrt(pt * pt + m_Mass * m_Mass);
451  for (size_t j = 0; j < m_xlegT.size(); j++) {
452  double tmp = mt * m_wlegT[j] * cosh(y) * m_xlegT[j] * exp(-mt * cosh(rho(m_xlegT[j])) * cosh(y) / m_T) *
453  xMath::BesselI0(pt * sinh(rho(m_xlegT[j])) / m_T);
454  ret += tmp;
455  }
457  return ret * pt;
458  }
460  double SSHDistribution::MtAv() const {
461  if (0 && !m_useacc) {
462  double tmp1 = 0., tmp2 = 0.;
463  for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
464  double tmppt = m_xlag[i] * m_T;
465  double tmpmt = sqrt(tmppt * tmppt + m_Mass * m_Mass);
466  double tmp = m_wlag[i] * tmppt * dnmtdmt(tmpmt);
467  tmp1 += tmp * tmpmt;
468  tmp2 += tmp;
469  }
470  return tmp1 / tmp2;
471  }
472  else {
473  std::vector<double> xy, wy;
475  std::vector<double> xpt, wpt;
477  double tmp1 = 0., tmp2 = 0.;
478  for (size_t iy = 0; iy < xy.size(); ++iy) {
479  double ty = xy[iy];
480  for (size_t ipt = 0; ipt < xpt.size(); ++ipt) {
481  double tpt = xpt[ipt] * m_T;
482  double tmp = wy[iy] * wpt[ipt] * d2ndptdy(tpt, ty);
483  if (tmp <= 0. || tmp != tmp) continue;
484  double tmt = sqrt(tpt * tpt + m_Mass * m_Mass);
485  tmp1 += tmp * tmt;
486  tmp2 += tmp;
487  }
488  }
489  return tmp1 / tmp2;
490  }
491  }
493  double SSHDistribution::y2Av() const {
494  if (0 && !m_useacc) {
495  double tmp1 = 0., tmp2 = 0.;
496  double dy = 0.05;
497  for (double yy = 0.; yy < 4.; yy += dy) {
498  double tmp = dndysingle(yy);
499  tmp1 += tmp * yy * yy;
500  tmp2 += tmp;
501  }
502  return (tmp1 / tmp2 + m_EtaMax * m_EtaMax / 3.);
503  }
504  else {
505  std::vector<double> xy, wy;
507  std::vector<double> xpt, wpt;
509  double tmp1 = 0., tmp2 = 0.;
510  for (size_t iy = 0; iy < xy.size(); ++iy) {
511  double ty = xy[iy];
512  for (size_t ipt = 0; ipt < xpt.size(); ++ipt) {
513  double tpt = xpt[ipt] * m_T;
514  double tmp = wy[iy] * wpt[ipt] * d2ndptdy(tpt, ty);
515  if (tmp <= 0. || tmp != tmp) continue;
516  //double tmt = sqrt(tpt*tpt + m_Mass * m_Mass);
517  tmp1 += tmp * ty * ty;
518  tmp2 += tmp;
519  }
520  }
521  return tmp1 / tmp2;
522  }
523  }
525  double SSHDistribution::d2ndptdy(double pt, double y) const {
526  double ret = 0.;
527  double mt = sqrt(pt * pt + m_Mass * m_Mass);
529  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_xlegeta.size(); i++) {
530  for (size_t j = 0; j < m_xlegT.size(); j++) {
531  double tmp = mt * m_wlegeta[i] * m_wlegT[j] * cosh(y - m_xlegeta[i]) * m_xlegT[j] * exp(-mt * cosh(rho(m_xlegT[j])) * cosh(y - m_xlegeta[i]) / m_T) *
532  xMath::BesselI0(pt * sinh(rho(m_xlegT[j])) / m_T);
533  ret += tmp;
534  }
535  }
537  if (!m_useacc) return ret * m_Norm * pt;
538  else return ret * m_Norm * pt * m_acc->getAcceptance(y + m_ycm, pt);
539  }
540 } // namespace thermalfist
bool m_Normalized
Whether the distribution has been normalized to unity.
void Normalize()
Normalizes the momentum distribution to unity.
bool m_useacc
Whether the acceptance functions are used.
virtual double dndy(double y, double pt) const
Rapidity distribution at fixed pT.
virtual double dndy(double y) const
Distribution density over the longitudinal rapidity.
virtual double dndysingle(double y, double pt) const
Rapidity distribution of a single fireball at fixed pT.
double getAcceptance(const double &y, const double &pt) const
Binomial acceptance for the given values of y and pt.
Definition: Acceptance.cpp:39
void GetCoefsIntegrateLaguerre32(std::vector< double > *x, std::vector< double > *w)
virtual double dndpt(double pt) const
The pT distribution function.
virtual double dndp(double p) const
Distribution density over the absolute value of the 3-momentum.
void Normalize()
Normalizes the momentum distribution to unity.
void GetCoefsIntegrateLegendre40(double a, double b, std::vector< double > *x, std::vector< double > *w)
virtual double dnmtdmt(double mt) const
Transverse mass distribution.
virtual double ZetaIntegrandpT(double zeta, double pt) const
virtual double d2ndptdy(double pt, double y) const
2D distribution density in rapidity and transverse momentum
double BesselI1(double x)
modified Bessel function I_1(x)
Definition: xMath.cpp:90
Contains some extra mathematical functions used in the code.
double m_ycm
Center-of-mass rapidity for the acceptance function.
virtual double d2ndptdy(double pt, double y) const
2D distribution density in rapidity and transverse momentum
void GetCoefsIntegrateLegendre32(double a, double b, std::vector< double > *x, std::vector< double > *w)
double BesselK1(double x)
modified Bessel function K_1(x)
Definition: xMath.cpp:126
virtual double ZetaIntegrandpTYSingleFireball(double zeta, double pt, double y) const
void Normalize()
Normalizes the momentum distribution to unity.
double BesselK0(double x)
modified Bessel function K_0(x)
Definition: xMath.cpp:55
virtual double dnmtdmt(double mt) const
Transverse mass distribution.
virtual double dndy(double y) const
Distribution density over the longitudinal rapidity.
virtual double d2ndptdy(double pt, double y) const
2D distribution density in rapidity and transverse momentum
double BesselI0(double x)
modified Bessel function I_0(x)
Definition: xMath.cpp:23
Acceptance::AcceptanceFunction * m_acc
Pointer to acceptance function.
virtual double dnmtdmt(double mt) const
Transverse mass distribution.
The main namespace where all classes and functions of the Thermal-FIST library reside.