Thermal-FIST  1.3
Package for hadron resonance gas model applications

An example of calculating various thermodynamic quantities at fixed T and \(\mu_B\).

For each specified value of a \(T-\mu_B\) pair does the following.

  1. Constrains the chemical potentials \(\mu_Q\) and \(\mu_S\) from the conditions Q/B = 0.4 and S = 0
  2. Calculates the following quantities:
    • Pressure
    • Energy density
    • Entropy density
    • K+ yield (with feeddown)
    • pi+ yield (with feeddown)
    • K+/pi+ ratio (with feeddown)
    • Scaled variances of K+ and pi+
    • Multiplicity and scaled variance of negatively charged particles
    • Skewness and kurtosis of net baryon, charge, and strangeness fluctuations


1 CalculationTmu <ModelType>

Where <ModelType> is 0 for Ideal HRG, and 1 for QvdW-HRG (from arXiv:1609.03975)

* Thermal-FIST package
* Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Volodymyr Vovchenko
* GNU General Public License (GPLv3 or later)
#include <string.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdio>
#include "HRGBase.h"
#include "HRGEV.h"
#include "HRGFit.h"
#include "HRGVDW.h"
#include "ThermalFISTConfig.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace thermalfist;
// Calculates equation of state, particle yields and fluctuations at a given set of T-mu values
// Usage: CalculationTmu
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int ModelType = 1; // 0 - Ideal HRG, 1 - QvdW HRG (from 1609.03975)
if (argc > 1)
ModelType = atoi(argv[1]);
std::string prefix = "QvdW-HRG";
if (ModelType != 1)
prefix = "IdealHRG";
// Fill the T-mu values where calculations should be performed
vector<double> Tvalues, muvalues;
// Here done by hand
// Alternatively one can read those from external file, or populate in a loop, etc.
// Note that all energy units are in GeV!
// 1
Tvalues.push_back(0.100); muvalues.push_back(0.600);
// 2
Tvalues.push_back(0.130); muvalues.push_back(0.500);
// 3
Tvalues.push_back(0.160); muvalues.push_back(0.000);
// Create the hadron list instance and read the list from file
//ThermalParticleSystem TPS(string(ThermalFIST_INPUT_FOLDER) + "/list/thermus23mod/list.dat"); // <-- modified THERMUS-2.3 list
ThermalParticleSystem TPS(string(ThermalFIST_INPUT_FOLDER) + "/list/PDG2014/list.dat"); // <-- Default list, no light nuclei
//ThermalParticleSystem TPS(string(ThermalFIST_INPUT_FOLDER) + "/list/PDG2014/list-withnuclei.dat"); // <-- Default list, with light nuclei
// Create the ThermalModel instance
// Choose the class which fits the required variant of HRG model
//ThermalModelIdeal model(&TPS);
//ThermalModelCanonical model(&TPS);
if (ModelType == 1) // QvdW-HRG
model = new ThermalModelVDWFull(&TPS);
// Set the QvdW interaction parameters
// As in 1609.03975, here we consider (anti)baryon-(anti)baryon interactions only
double a = 0.329;
double b = 3.42;
// Loop over all hadron-hadron pairs to set a and b for each of these pairs
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < model->TPS()->Particles().size(); ++i1) {
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < model->TPS()->Particles().size(); ++i2) {
const ThermalParticle &part1 = model->TPS()->Particles()[i1];
const ThermalParticle &part2 = model->TPS()->Particles()[i2];
int B1 = part1.BaryonCharge();
int B2 = part2.BaryonCharge();
// Or use pdgid's to identify the two particles
//int pdgid1 = part1.PdgId();
//int pdgid2 = part2.PdgId();
// Meson-meson, meson-baryon, baryon-antibaryon non-interacting
if (!(B1 * B2 > 0)) {
model->SetVirial(i1, i2, 0.); // No repulsion
model->SetAttraction(i1, i2, 0.); // No attraction
else {
// BB excluded volume
model->SetVirial(i1, i2, b);
// BB attraction
model->SetAttraction(i1, i2, a);
else {
model = new ThermalModelIdeal(&TPS);
// Use (or not) finite resonance width
// Include (or not) quantum statistics
// Output, here on screen, to write into file use, e.g., fprintf
"T[GeV]", "muB[GeV]",
"P[GeV/fm3]", "e[GeV/fm3]", "s[fm-3]",
"<K+>", "<pi+>", "<K+>/<pi+>",
"w[K+]", "w[pi+]",
"<N->", "w[N-]",
"chi3B/chi2B", "chi4B/chi2B",
"chi3Q/chi2Q", "chi4Q/chi2Q",
"chi3S/chi2S", "chi4S/chi2S");
// The same output to file
std::string filename = prefix + ".CalculationTmu.dat";
FILE *f = fopen(filename.c_str(), "w");
fprintf(f, "%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s%15s\n",
"T[GeV]", "muB[GeV]",
"P[GeV/fm3]", "e[GeV/fm3]", "s[fm-3]",
"<K+>", "<pi+>", "<K+>/<pi+>",
"w[K+]", "w[pi+]",
"<N->", "w[N-]",
"chi3B/chi2B", "chi4B/chi2B",
"chi3Q/chi2Q", "chi4Q/chi2Q",
"chi3S/chi2S", "chi4S/chi2S");
// Iterate over all the T-muB pair values
for (int i = 0; i < Tvalues.size(); ++i) {
double T = Tvalues[i];
double muB = muvalues[i];
// Set temperature and baryon chemical potential
// Constrain muB from strangeness neutrality condition
// Alternatively set the muS value manually
// model->ConstrainMuS(false);
// model->SetStrangenessChemicalPotential(0.);
// Constrain muq from Q/B = 0.4 condition
// Alternatively set the muQ value manually
// Chemical non-equilbrium parameters
// Set volume
model->SetVolumeRadius(3.); // System radius R in fm, volume is V = (4/3) * \pi * R^3
//model->SetVolume(5000.); //<-- Alternative, volume V in fm^3
// Determine muS and/or muQ from constraints, if there are any
// Calculate all hadron densities, both primordial and final
// Calculate fluctuations
// Equation of state parameters
double p = model->CalculatePressure(); // Pressure in GeV/fm3
double e = model->CalculateEnergyDensity(); // Energy density in GeV/fm3
double s = model->CalculateEntropyDensity(); // Entropy density in fm-3
// Calculate final yields,
// Usage: model->GetDensity(pdgid, feeddown)
// pdgid -- PDG code for the desired particle species
// feeddown: 0 - primordial, 1 - final, 2 - final with additional feeddown from weak decays
// yield = density * volume
double yieldKplus = model->GetDensity(321, Feeddown::StabilityFlag) * model->Volume();
double yieldpiplus = model->GetDensity(211, Feeddown::StabilityFlag) * model->Volume();
// Scaled variance of final state particle number fluctuations
double wKplus = model->ScaledVarianceTotal( model->TPS()->PdgToId(321) );
double wpiplus = model->ScaledVarianceTotal( model->TPS()->PdgToId(211) );
// Charged particle mean multplicities, after decays
// Argument: 0 - all charged, 1 - positively charged, 2 - negatively charged
double Nch = model->ChargedMultiplicityFinal(0);
double Nplus = model->ChargedMultiplicityFinal(1);
double Nminus = model->ChargedMultiplicityFinal(2);
// Scaled variance for charged particle multplicity distribution, after decays
double wNch = model->ChargedScaledVarianceFinal(0);
double wNplus = model->ChargedScaledVarianceFinal(1);
double wNminus = model->ChargedScaledVarianceFinal(2);
// Higher-order fluctuations of conserved charges B, Q, S
// Array of charges of all particles in the list
// E.g., if the ith particle has baryon charge 1, then chargesB[i] = 1 etc.
vector<double> chargesB(model->Densities().size()), chargesQ(model->Densities().size()), chargesS(model->Densities().size());
// Array with the values of the calculated susceptibilities
vector<double> chchis;
// Baryon number
for (int i = 0; i < model->TPS()->Particles().size(); ++i) {
chargesB[i] = model->TPS()->Particles()[i].BaryonCharge();
// Calculation of susceptibilities chi1-chi4
chchis = model->CalculateChargeFluctuations(chargesB, 4);
double chi2B = chchis[1];
double chi3B = chchis[2];
double chi4B = chchis[3];
// Electric charge, same procedure
for (int i = 0; i < model->TPS()->Particles().size(); ++i) {
chargesQ[i] = model->TPS()->Particles()[i].ElectricCharge();
chchis = model->CalculateChargeFluctuations(chargesQ, 4);
double chi2Q = chchis[1];
double chi3Q = chchis[2];
double chi4Q = chchis[3];
// Strangeness
for (int i = 0; i < model->TPS()->Particles().size(); ++i) {
chargesS[i] = model->TPS()->Particles()[i].Strangeness();
chchis = model->CalculateChargeFluctuations(chargesS, 4);
double chi2S = chchis[1];
double chi3S = chchis[2];
double chi4S = chchis[3];
chi3B / chi2B,
chi4B / chi2B,
chi3Q / chi2Q,
chi4Q / chi2Q,
chi3S / chi2S,
chi4S / chi2S);
fprintf(f, "%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf%15lf\n",
yieldKplus / yieldpiplus,
chi3B / chi2B,
chi4B / chi2B,
chi3Q / chi2Q,
chi4Q / chi2Q,
chi3S / chi2S,
chi4S / chi2S);
delete model;
return 0;