Thermal-FIST  1.3
Package for hadron resonance gas model applications

An example of doing the thermal fits to hadron yield data.

Performs thermal fits to ALICE Pb-Pb 0-10% data with the HRG model with excluded-volume corrections with a bag model scaling of hadron eigenvolumes.

These calculations reproduce the results published in arXiv:1512.08046

Calculation proceeds in two steps:

  1. The global fit is performed obtaining the temperature and volume that minimize \(\chi^2\).
  2. The temperature profile of \(\chi^2\) by minimizing it a different fixed temperature values in a loop.


1 BagModelFit <rp> <Tmin> <Tmax> <dT>

<rp> is the proton radius parameter (in fm)

* Thermal-FIST package
* Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Volodymyr Vovchenko
* GNU General Public License (GPLv3 or later)
#include <string.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdio>
#include "HRGBase.h"
#include "HRGEV.h"
#include "HRGFit.h"
#include "ThermalFISTConfig.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace thermalfist;
// Fits within the excluded-volume HRG in a bag model scaling, as in 1512.08046
// First does the global fit
// Then computes the chi2 profile
// Usage: BagModelFit <rp> <Tmin> <Tmax> <dT>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// Proton radius
double radProton = 0.50;
if (argc>1)
radProton = atof(argv[1]);
// Minimum temperature for chi2 profile calculation [GeV]
double Tmin = 0.100;
if (argc>2)
Tmin = atof(argv[2]);
// Maximum temperature for chi2 profile calculation [GeV]
double Tmax = 0.301;
if (argc>3)
Tmax = atof(argv[3]);
// Step in temperature for chi2 profile calculation [GeV]
double dT = 0.001;
if (argc>4)
dT = atof(argv[4]);
// Create the hadron list instance and read the list from file
ThermalParticleSystem TPS(string(ThermalFIST_INPUT_FOLDER) + "/list/thermus23/list.dat");
//ThermalParticleSystem TPS(string(ThermalFIST_INPUT_FOLDER) + "/list/PDG2014/list.dat");
// Create the EV-HRG ThermalModel instance
// Use finite resonance widths (energy-independent Breit-Wigner)
// Include quantum statistics
// All chemical potentials are zero
// Loop over all particles and set their EV parameters in accordance with the bag model
for (int i = 0; i < model.TPS()->Particles().size(); ++i) {
const ThermalParticle &part = model.TPS()->Particles()[i];
double mass = part.Mass(); // Mass of particle i
double rad = radProton * pow(mass / xMath::mnucleon(), 1. / 3.); // Radius parameter of particle i
model.SetRadius(i, rad); // Sets the radius
// Load the experimental data
vector<FittedQuantity> quantities = ThermalModelFit::loadExpDataFromFile(string(ThermalFIST_INPUT_FOLDER) + "/data/ALICE-PbPb2.76TeV-0-5-1512.08046.dat");
// Global fit
ThermalModelFit pfit(&model);
// By default T, muB, and R parameters are fitted, while others (gammaS etc.) are fixed
// Initial parameters values are taken from those currently set in a ThermalModel object
// Here we do not fit muB, which is set to zero
pfit.SetParameterFitFlag("muB", false); // Do not fit muB
// R is fitted by default
// We can still specify the initial value, the initial delta used by minuit,
// and the lower and upper limits using the SetParameter function
double Rinit = 10.0;
double Rdelta = 1.0;
double Rmin = 0.0;
double Rmax = 30.0;
pfit.SetParameter("R", Rinit, Rdelta, Rmin, Rmax);
pfit.SetQuantities(quantities); // Provide the data to be fitted
pfit.PerformFit(); // Performs the fit
pfit.PrintFitLog(); // Print the fit result
// Now perform the chi-square profile scan
printf("%15s%15s%15s\n", "T [GeV]", "R [fm]", "chi2");
pfit.SetParameterFitFlag("T", false); // We are not fitting T anymore
// Iterate over all the T values
for (double T = Tmin; T <= Tmax; T += dT) {
pfit.SetParameterValue("T", T); // Set the temperature
ThermalModelFitParameters result = pfit.PerformFit(false); // We still have to fit the radius, the argument suppresses the output during minimization
printf("%15lf%15lf%15lf\n", T, result.R.value, result.chi2);
return 0;